[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=Olive]Richard Laine[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/26AHteTfafcdKC6ys/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [center] [b][color=Olive]Location: Sub-Basement - Operating Theater[/color][/b] [/center] [hr][hr] [color=Olive]"Shit happened. A lot of shit."[/color] Richard groaned as he considered Dean. There was nothing he could do for the lad, beside admit his own faults and tell the truth. It was the least he owed Dean for keeping the information about his sister from him. If it was him, Richard could well understand the anger that was most likely being directed his way. Heck, he shared it when his mother had cast out Ayita. So he couldn't really say anything to help Dean with the boy's crisis without sounding like a sanctimonious ass. Laying back against the table, the Adder winced as Bruce came bustling into the room and over to Lance. A father's worry for his son obvious. If he could have stood, he would have gone to find his sister and help her the best he could. Getting a kidney ripped out of him however was a bit more than painful. Keeping him down for the time being. [color=Olive]"Anyone knows what is going on above?"[/color] The former assassin groaned, needing to know what was happening despite his invalid status. [hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=ForestGreen]Ayita Dyrkin[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f3/04/68/f30468d9d2e0107f4aa691c28ffd4507.jpg[/img][/center] [center] [b][color=ForestGreen]Location: Outside(First Floor) [/color][/b] [/center] [hr][hr] [color=ForestGreen]"Mesmero."[/color] Ayita's eyes were gleaming in the darkness as she let loose a far less than human growl. This man had enter her mind without a care, and had unleashed the instincts of those within upon humans that did not deserve the rage she carried within herself. This man had threatened her brother with his actions not to mention Allison and Guin. Shaking her dark head slowly, Ayita gave a snarling roar. The hunt would be on and may the earth itself defend Mesmero for not even that would halt the wild woman. This man had threatened a future she had carved for herself and that was not something Ayita would premit. [color=ForestGreen][i]"Guin,"[/i][/color] Reaching out carefully with her mind, well aware of the prior attack and the possible repercussions. She gently 'knocked' against the younger Stark's mind, keeping her thoughts light. A merest of brushes. [color=ForestGreen][i]"Brother is fine? Your mate needs medical aid, Sister."[/i][/color] Though her mind didn't not have a sense of 'her' brother but a shared sense that Richard was kin to them both. A effect of the man treating Guin just as he would Ayita but with a bit more care. For whether the Stark wished it or not... She was one of them per Richard's decree. There was a crack as Ayita shifted into the form of a snowy owl and swooped into the air with a screeching war cry. It could be nothing else. For this was a rage Ayita so rarely felt, but her mate and pack had been threatened and all her being agreed that this must be answered. To the end of the threat. Beating the white wings, Ayita rose up through the air and reached her room's window. Her body sore but it was pain she pushed to the side as she worked the window open after shifting back to human form. Stripping quickly of her clothing, Ayita snatched the leather coat and vest, along with other such she wore while in the north. Outlandish garb but it held up and was easily repaired out in the wilds. Her quiver and bow were on her back as she hooked them in place. A small pouch she strung to her waist with spare bits and bobs for bow string and arrow heads. If she could get a scent article of this man, she would hunt him that way as well. There would be no dawn for Mesmero. Marygold looked down at her for her predatory ways, but this was more than being the 'bigger person'. Ayita agreed and tried not to kill as she did not enjoy it, no matter what their 'leader' said. No longer her 'leader'. This man had struck something inside the shifter that called for blood. It was not that he took over her mind, it was that he risked her pack. What he could have done to her mate. What he could do to her future in the North! With a mate and potential cubs-! Ayita paused as she looked in the mirror at the woman staring back at her with furious amber eyes. Where had that thought come from? She wasn't ready for human pups, that was certain. But laying a hand against her abdomen, Ayita considered the possibility. She wanted them, some day. Just not yet, it wasn't time and it wasn't safe enough yet for her to disappear into a den hidden away for human puppies. Goodness knew Damon and Richard were certainly not ready for it!