[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=6ecff6]Cassandra Reed[/color][/h1] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/2788d7078f0038aa51b092b67f339fb9/tumblr_optm48JIl11trp40so1_500.gif[/img] [I]Location: The Playground - (Outside of Tempest's room) -> (Conference Room) Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Cassandra looked towards Tempest when she decided to troll Bonnie and Flynn in Bio-Engineering & Research, made her shake her head slightly. [color=6ecff6]"Remind me to take away your radio privileges away from you later."[/color] Cassandra said jokingly, though she was happy to see Bonnie doing that, her attention then turned towards Niah when the alarm started to go off. It was the alarm that she knew that alerted them to the Purifiers in the area. Which was a bit problematic as well, after having to deal with the druggie who was here not to long ago, she ran a hand through her hair a bit. [color=6ecff6]"We will look into it once we deal with the Purifier issue, and whatever Agents Smith and Novikova are doing off base, i'm sure Tempest can help you."[/color] She said, before turning around and started to make her way over towards the conference room, where she knew that Tinley was vetting the new guy. She saw that Harry was there as well, and gave him a nod, before turning her attention towards Tinley and then Conrad as well. [color=6ecff6]"Tinley, we have two issues right now. Tempest noticed Agents Smith and Novikova both grabbing a pair of stealth suits and leaving the base. We also have a group of Purifiers just outside as well, which was what the alert is for, did you want to engage them, or monitor them for now?"[/color] Cassandra said, knowing that the Purifiers were a bigger threat now, and SHIELD labeled them as a terrorist group and having them near The Playground was a red flag for her. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=steelblue]Harry McCormick[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ab/38/f0/ab38f0ae661ecc9aa180821ef0b69415.jpg[/img] [I]Location: The Playground - Conference Room -> (Technology) Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Harry watched as Tinley released Goose from being held, he didn't really want to get clawed by a cat either which wasn't really fun and didn't want to get any stitches either as well. [color=steelblue]"Yeah I wouldn't want to get stitches by the cat either."[/color] Harry said looking at Goose for a moment, before turning his attention back towards Tinley and gave her a nod. [color=steelblue]"Sure thing, i'll get right on that then."[/color] Harry said, as he was about to leave, Agent Reed came into the room with some more bad news as well. Two agents leaving without much of a word and some Purifiers outside as well. [color=steelblue]"Well the day seems to be getting more, and more interesting."[/color] Harry said jokingly and looked over at Tinley. [color=steelblue]"I'll run the scans see who touched the file now. If you need me, you know where i'll be."[/color] He said, before turning and making his way over towards Technology and then pulled up a chair as he took a look at the cameras very closely as he started to go and search for a scanner of some kind. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=lightgreen]Maria Smith[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/l4Ki7tArmXltT2c9y/giphy.gif[/img] [I]Location: The Playground - Technology -> Outside - Downtown Washington D.C Skills: N/A [/I][/center] [hr][hr] [color=lightgreen]"Alright."[/color] Maria said, as she quickly followed behind Novikova, and were out rather quickly which was surpisingly as she took a moment to look around before continuing and following closely to the shimmering bit that was her fellow agent through the suit. [color=lightgreen]"Make sure you use cash when we get the burner."[/color] Maria whispered back towards her, since using a credit card then Tempest, or Cass could easily find them through the transactions. Maria continued to walk alongside Novikova when she noticed the Purifiers as well, which was going to be a very big problem if they were caught. [color=lightgreen]"Just stay quiet and continue, try and not engage them."[/color] Maria said, as much as she hated this group, they had other priorities right now. And since they are still really close to the Playground the others may get distracted by them as well. Which was a good thing then they could cover more distance then. [color=lightgreen]"Lets just hope they don't find The Playground there."[/color] Maria said softly.