He chewed. He swallowed. He savored every bite. After all, who knew when he’d get another one? The only thing he found himself wishing for was some bread, though that was a goal far on the horizon for someone capable of actually making money. [i]Too bad. This would make a great sandwich.[/i] Then again, maybe bread would make him even thirstier than he already was. Despite having had little to no part in the victory, Matteo couldn’t help but feel his spirits rising. It was secondhand success, but damn it, it was still a success. They hadn’t died. [i]He[/i] hadn’t died, despite being weak and half-starved and brand new at this entire bounty-hunting business. There were benefits to being protected by more experienced veterans at this craft. Matteo knew instinctively that if Gwyn and Ettamri had been there by the little stream when the two goblins had jumped them, the story would have been very different. His brief high was dashed when the lady knight made it very clear that their day was not over, however. Matteo felt immediately inclined to argue and couldn’t quite catch his incredulous [b]“Another one?”[/b] in time before it slipped out. The relief he’d been feeling at having the first bounty over and done with vanished as he pictured going through the experience all over again. [i]Of course, we’re taking a break, but still…[/i] He hadn’t been doing anything more strenuous than waving down passerby for the last several days. Just turning back and retracing their steps to Andeave sounded exhausting. But he’d begged for this, and they needed it, so Matteo hastily rephrased. [b]“Ah, I mean, of course. I’m sure we can do that, don’t you agree?”[/b] he glanced casually at Ash (who was collecting toad skin) and Muu (who thankfully looked like a real person again.) [b]“Eating should get our strength up. What direction do we head next towards the, ah, target?”[/b] This was his passive way of asking what the next bounty was. He hadn’t expected the experienced duo to actually take them on, so (as usual) Matteo hadn’t done his homework.