[center] [img]https://80.lv/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/rene-gorecki-lilia.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Ruby Moon[/i] [b]Age:[/b] [i]27.[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] [i]Female.[/i] [b]Race:[/b] [i]Caucasian.[/i] [b]Nation:[/b] [i]United Kingdom.[/i] [b]Occupation:[/b] [i]Miner.[/i] [b]Assigned Wing:[/b] [i]Mining Wing.[/i] [b]Backstory:[/b] [i]Every cliche of the little orphan child, Ruby had lived through. She'd grown up in the system, thrown from foster home to foster home because no one wanted to keep around the stubborn and rebellious girl. The adults didn't have the patience and she didn't have the ability to trust. She had little recollection of most of her childhood aside from the knowledge that ever since she was left at the orphanage at seven she had been prone to uncontrollable temper tantrums that had soon graduated to full on aggressive acts that she herself wouldn't always have a recollection of afterwards. It wouldn't be until she turned seventeen that she found an answer as she was diagnosed with Disassociative Identity Disorder - or Split personality - and she would finally have some answers. Knowing there was a problem had made things easier for the girl, but the damage to her education and early life still hindered her ability to find a decently paying job. Having been kicked out of multiple Secondary Schools and being unable to get into college with the abysmal exam results she had achieved; she had no real skills or professions by the time she had turned eighteen and for the longest time she just flittered between odd manual labour jobs. It was from there that she heard of an incredible opportunity that would pay substantially better than what she was currently earning and needed no educational qualifications. There had been a general health and fitness test that had concerned her, considering her diagnosis, but they had not seemed at all bothered by it and for the first time in her life, she believed things were looking up for her and she may finally find a place she could thrive.[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] [i]Ruby is a reserved person, she doesn't trust people easily because she is used to them not being a very permanent fixture within her life. She has learned to be very self-sufficient and can find it difficult to ask for help in situations and by extension to open up to people. But deep down she does have a good heart and does just want to help, but when she is put under a lot of stress or anxiety, her other personality comes out. This other side of her is her own defense mechanism, full of a false bravado she didn't usually possess. This other persona - Whom ironically dubbed herself "Jade" - can be rash and unlike her counterpart, isn't afraid to speak her mind. Ruby has no recollection of the times in which Jade is 'in control' and can become even more reserved afterwards. [/i] [b]Inventory:[/b] [i]Mining Wing Keycard, Bottle of Vodka, Dark Purple handkerchief, Pack of Cigarettes, Cigarette Lighter. [/i] [b]Injuries:[/b] [i]-*-[/i] [b]Extra Info:[/b] [i]Determined to be successful.[/i][/center]