Sara could remember the last time she had found herself upon the roof of a house: It was during the evening, on the first day when her training began. She was looking up at the moon, as if the answers behind her vague memory would come to her, by simply doing so. There was a huge, black gap within her conscience, from the last time she saw her mother, and a figure of a man, speaking to her, up to the point where she woke up, with Levi and Erwin before her. It all came out in shards, as if someone broke a mirror, and all the pieces scattered across the room. Putting them back together was a task in itself, but then, a piece was missing, and that was upon [i]that[/i] day. [i]’What happened then? When? Where? Who was there? Why were they, even?’[/i] It was a phrase that went on, endlessly. ‘Was it a message, meant to forget? What did it mean? What was the importance?’ [i][color=f7941d]"Sara...where are you from?"[/color][/i] Said-woman was so engulfed within her own thoughts, she didn’t even register that Kate’s presence was there with her. That very question seemed to have brought her back from gazing out too far, at the moon. [i]”Where did she come from?”[/i] ...was what a lot of the townspeople have debated upon, whether or not, Rosa was even her real mother to begin with, considering that nobody had expected seeing a white-haired lass walking around, bearing no resemblance to any sort of woman. There was an admittance that it was also her [i]hair[/i] that made her quite the outcast. Some told her that it was a gift, with others saying that was considering on labeling a child, as an abomination. If anyone was associated with the biological factor, there was an abnormality in her genetic algorithm. But then, during her military days, some (including her fellow soldiers) started labeling her as “otherworldly”, or something not of this world; with her pale, flawless skin, platinum hair, perfectly-sculpted complexion, intimidating blue eyes, and physical attributes, topping around the measures of her cousin, there came borders that made her....[i]”angelic”[/i]; that snowy, bluish tint being reflected off, from the moonlight, as if she was born from that very essence. Even when she moved her head, with a sigh, to look back at Katherine, that same tint remained. Thanks to her what-it-seemed-to-be shyness and “socially-awkward” disposition, why was she even trying on getting personal? It was then that Sara realized that she needed more people to be in the know, besides Levi and Erwin. Being secretive would not only be enough to get answers, but she remembered that the brunette was hoping to forge [i]something[/i] with her; Kate believed Sara to be the type of individual she would trust. The real question was: Could the latter trust her with information this big? She answered her, regardless. [color=00aeef]“ Wall Sina. Wasn’t necessarily peaceful; literally, it wasn’t very dark, nor very bright. Trafficking, prostitution, thievery; violence. One must take a few, perhaps extreme measures to survive in that hell-hole. Not a place for a child to properly grow up, even for me. Didn’t know my own father; my mother was desperate, for money, and to give me an education. Not much else happened from there, I’m afraid. I can’t remember”.[/color] She was staring up at the night-sky, while talking about this to the other. Sara had to remind herself, once more, on [i]why[/i] she was revealing this information to Kate, but then she didn’t directly share anything about her early past with anyone thus far, other than Levi.