[u][h3]An Exercise in Exasperation[/h3][/u] [hider=tl;dr]Yasu annoys Kiko, Yasu tells her her quirk sucks, Kiko leaves in a huff.[/hider] [hr] Since the demonstrations finished, Yasu had chosen to seek solace for however long she could. Although she had paid attention during the show, she had little to ruminate on about the quirks of the others. She had not come here to compare metaphorical dicks with everyone else. Her goal was put in the effort that was required of her and come out the other side a decent hero. Whether she would be a great hero or not would remain to be seen. But for now, she was more interested in taking a break from all the excitement. She was worried at first that Kiko might want to talk to her, but it seemed that she had settled in to bother the bug guy. Thankful for the chance for a break, Yasu decided to just relax before the next trial began. Just as Kenji learned, unfortunately, there was no rest for the weary. Fresh off the heels of her conversation with him, Kiko spied Yasu in the midst of her relaxation and decided to be an ass as usual. Bounding up to her, Kiko have her self-declared friend a hearty slap on the back. [color=00a651]"Heyo, friend! You chilling out over here or what?"[/color] Yasu's demeanor went from placid to irate in the matter of a second as that slap connected. Her fears had been realised. She was now being bothered by the Italian half-pint. [color=0076a3]"Since when did we become friends? We spoke for all of two seconds earlier."[/color] It truly was annoying that she felt some great attachment to her in spite of their relative unfamiliarity. From the moment she saw her demonstration, Yasu knew she was going to be annoying to deal with, and here she was, acting like they had been chums for their lifelong. Kiko just brushed off Yasu's irritability. [color=00a651]"Come on, Amica, we don't have to act like strangers just because we haven't gotten to know each other well yet. Sometimes hello is all you need. Just like Kenji-san. I'm his friend now, and I'm your friend too."[/color] She continued to ramble, oblivious to any hostility directed her way. [color=00a651]"It's a Japanese thing I guess, feeling like you're not really close until later on. Maybe it's cause I'm part Italian-American, but I feel like we can all be friends just by saying it's so. So I'm saying it's so."[/color] Though Kiko was heavily influenced by her dad, it was more likely just her odd personality that made her ignore cultural norms. [color=00a651]"Anyway, I saw your Quirk demo. It's not bad, I guess. It doesn't have the same pizazz as mine or Kenji's. Doesn't really hold up to many of the other Quirks really, but you can work on that. One day, I'm sure you'll be zapping people as nastily as I'll shoot em' up."[/color] In Kiko's mind she was being a kind and thoughtful friend. She might soon discover how far from the truth that was. Yasu could scarcely believe her misfortune. Not only was Kiko doggedly determined to hang around her, but she had the gall to talk down about her quirk while her own was hardly better. Yasu would have to turn up the heat to win herself freedom from this turbulent girl. [color=0076a3]"Uh, yeah, my quirk might not be the most impressive thing in the whole damn world, but I would sure as hell keep my quirk over yours any day of the week."[/color] She was practically scowling harder than she ever had in her life, hoping that the mere look on her face might be enough to deter Kiko from hanging around. Kiko was starting to be bothered, but she sure as shit wasn't put off hanging around. Now she was starting to think Yasu was looking to pick a fight. [color=00a651]"Excuse me? Were you even payin attention during my demo? Did you NOT see how awesome I was? I was all like "Bang, pow, dakkadakkadakka!""[/color] She took a moment to pretend to examine Yasu closely, as if looking for something on her face. [color=00a651]"Oh I get it. You're deaf or somethin, right? You couldn't hear the brilliance of my barrage. That explains everything."[/color] Rolling her eyes at the ignorance of her comment, Yasu decided now was the time to be more direct. [color=0076a3]"You only hit the dummy a few times, Mazzini. We all saw it. I could tell even if I really were deaf. What the hell's the point of a quirk that you can avoid by [i]standing still[/i]?"[/color] She was now staring Kiko right in the eyes. Hopefully she would take the hint even if she wouldn't admit the truth about her 'brilliant barrage'. Yasu's words burned. Kiko was well aware of the shortcomings of her Quirk deep down, but she could never admit it openly. Just as always, she chose to puff out her chest and deny the truth, pretending everything was fine. [color=00a651]"You just don't get it. Not everything is about hitting people. Think about the fear factor; anyone standing still in the middle of my barrage is going to piss their pants with fear!"[/color] Her face wouldn't give it away, but Kiko's ego was wounded on the inside. She had been down this road a few times, and it always pricked a small hole in her plucky spirit. [color=0076a3]"Yeah they'll be pissing their pants...with laughter."[/color] Yasu tells her with a smirk. [color=0076a3]"Look, I could care less about whether your quirk is good or not, but I'm really not interested in hearing you brag about yours and rag on mine. If you don't like that, find someone else to entertain you."[/color] Kiko wanted nothing more than to continue talking. She wanted to say that Yasu was wrong. She wanted to assert herself. But she couldn't form the words to fight back with. Returning Yasu's scowl, Kiko turned to leave, but not before saying, [color=00a651]"This ain't over. You'll see! You'll acknowledge my damn Quirk and I'll make you eat those words!"[/color] Her words were aggressive and combative, but on the inside, she was just cursing her own bruised ego. She always ended up looking like a fool. Always always always. Yasu was almost happy to see her go. A voice in the back of her mind was worried that this would have consequences. She really didn't want to have a pack of 'enemies' at this school. Hopefully Kiko would prove as much a paper tiger as her quirk. With luck, she might be able to just chill out on the sidelines and avoid any further drama.