Arriving at the palisade, you read a sign above the entrance carved and painted with careful lettering: “Oleg’s Trading Post”. Even before passing through the archway, the smell of freshly baked bread reaches your nostrils and tempts you in. It certainly smells more appetizing than the dull rations you ate this morning. And last night. And last afternoon, and morning, and the night before that… The entrance to the trading post opens up to a small market, currently devoid of life. The scent of manure emanates from the long building to your left, mixing uncomfortably with the lingering bready fragrance. Judging by the size of the door here, and the smell, this building is presumably a stable. Two smaller buildings stand on the far end of the market and to your right, while in the far right corner is what must be Oleg’s home. A human man is busy at work on the roof of the stable and doesn’t seem to notice you. A human woman, however, is coming out of the doorway to Oleg’s home and swiftly approaching “Hello and welcome!” she says with a bow, “I can’t say how glad we are you’ve finally arrived.” The man turns his head at this, finally noticing the arrival of the party. He wipes his brow and begins to climb down the ladder. “My name is Svetlana,” the woman continues, “and this sweaty goat of a man is my husband, Oleg Leveton.” Dismounting the ladder, Oleg shoots her a look as he approaches the conversation, then turns and extends a sweaty hand for the party to shake. "As she says, I'm Oleg. I take it you're the reinforcements we requested?"