Sal raised his gaze to the man who just entered his bar, his old friend Jackie Renolds, the wide grin spreading across his face uncontrollable. He snickered lightly at Jackie’s remark ,”Hey screw you Jackie, I did two years of music back in high school. The teacher said I had a wonderful tinner voice.” As he spoke he uncorked the bottle of whiskey on the bar and gave it two quick tilts, filling up both shot glasses. “It’s good to see you Jackie. Come on, man, let’s have a celebratory drink. I’d offer to get piss drunk with you but it’s still a little early, plus I have a business to run.” Sal stepped around the bar, leaving the bottle and two shots behind, “Damn, come ere’ [i]amico[/i], give your fat Italian friend a hug. I ain’t seen you in years.” He briskly walked to Jackie, arms extended in a friendly embrace.