Path of Destiny takes place an undisclosed amount of time after enemy nations brought about the fall of an advanced technological society, destroyed their research, and censored the truth from history. These nations would go on to form a one-world government, stalling technological and societal progress globally, causing most countries to regress to mideval-level states. With technology halted, magic fills the gaps. Magic is a secret to the general populace, but employed by the chosen elite to manage all facets of society. There is a normal limit of seven spells that anyone can learn at any given time, with each successive spell putting an exponentially larger strain on the user, and those who unlock all seven "slots" generally not living past age forty. The first of these slots is filled by an inborn unique ability called a "Birthright" that all have but few know of, and fewer still can use. Unavailable Birthrights: Pyrokinesis Tracking objects Mood-based powers Changing your body density Concealing presence Hardening your body Talking to animals Absorbing and redirecting momentum Stealing souls Universal translator Controlling reflections Controlling gravity Aerokinesis Purifying things Controlling vectors