[img]https://i.ibb.co/d6SpPFy/Banner.jpg[/img] The blond magical girl didn't react to the arrival of reinforcement - nothing much more than a glance at them when they pulled the man from the edge of the building. Fumiko's eyes quickly scanned the newcomer; a magical girl alright. Looked like she could handle herself. Fumiko lowered her sheathed in an attack pose. [color=fff200]"Well - try to keep up."[/color] she said as she launched herself forward on the closest of the two vices, leaving the other one for her new friend. She and the dog moved in unison, circling around the vice, swatting away it's arms as they came at them and harassing the enemy whenever possible. Looking for an opportunity - and it came. It came fast and hard in the form of a bullet. Fumiko's vice saw it's body ripped open by the sheer force of the ammo that had just went through it. She didn't wait. Drawing her sword she jumped forward and through the Vice's hollowed body. Her body did a full 360 degree spin on itself as she cut the vice from inside out. By the time she landed, that enemy was no more and only one was left. She didn't stop there, moving in closer to the other vice she focused on swatting and cutting away whatever arms would be aiming at the other girl while she fought, then landed beside her as the Vice took a few steps back, seemingly trying to regrow limbs. [color=fff200]"The name's Nagamasa Fumiko."[/color] She said, at the ready. [color=fff200]"I'd let you finish it yourself, but I already made the Oath. Go, I'll support you."[/color]