The warmth in Trevor’s guts grew a bit as he ate the ash and wood from the fire place. And while the embers didn’t hurt too much, it still tasted like disgusting wood and ash. It wasn’t tasty at all. Still it did feel like he was getting somewhere, with some more fuel he might actually get some sparks to come out. Vi’s test was also revealing some results as she would spot small splashes in the puddle where she focuses her attacks; just like before she didn’t feel anything in particular but would see something g happen in her eyes. Sometimes she could even feel a tinge if a feeling in her head when she tried to use her powers to more finely manipulate something. In the meantime others were trying to find their way around the large puddle, either by going around or over. Those going around would find the spot where the puddle eventually turns into mud, and while it was a slog to go through it at least wouldn’t run the risk of drowning anyone. Going further than that and they would end up heading downward following the mountain side. But there was little time to find a way across the pond when Celina’s actions took immediate affect. As she flew closer she’s be able to count at least eight crows attacking the wounded pelican. Her shrill song echoed over the squawking and the rain, and of the eight five started to slow down and eventually landed upon the ground or the trees, struggling to get up as they fell asleep. The remaining three immediately noticed something amiss, and in that moment the pelican lashed out and wounded them. Confused but determined the crows cawwed as two continued their attack on the pelican while one broke off to chase Celina. It came at her fast; even if she turned to run, the Black bird would easily overtake her and attack her exposed back as he gave her a relentless Pursuit. In the same skirmish the crows managed to force the larger pelican into a crash landing near the cave entrance, grounding it with enough force to make a loud thud. The crows wasted no time immediately pouncing in the body to finish the job themselves, but in this brief moment the Pokémon hidden near the cave had a choice: they could continue to hide seeing that these crows intended to deal with the pelican first and foremost. Or they could try and launch their own sneak attack on the birds, who were low enough for most of them to try and get an attack on. Unlike the unusual beaver from yesterday, these crows did not seem to be greyscale or monochromatic. While they had mainly black feathers and red eyes, they had yellow beaks and legs. They were, as far as Pokémon could go, “normal” looking. The pelican itself was a big white bird with an equally huge yellow beak, though it’s feathers were not stained with red blood. It seemed to be trying to struggle against the crows with feeble kicks that couldn’t land a single blow.