Lilt was beyond relieved to be back to the safety of the dilapidated Temple. Even more so, with companions that had proven that they were certainly powerful enough to kill a Cyclops. Hopefully this is a good omen. And not the peak of their powers before ruin. Still, the little draconic newt scampered her way into the Temple. She dropped the buckler previously looted from the Cyclops near the remains of last nights fire. "Cyclopsss isss ssslain," she barked out a bit excitedly to relay the news to the barbarian, with hints of exhaustion and fatigue. She still had a rattle to her voice, but it was no where near as bad as when she initially took that deadly blow. And before further questions were asked, she pushed her way into the back of the temple to check on her fallen companion's tomb. She sniffed around, and inspected the heavy rocks and clutter that had sealed the tunnel entrance. If it did not appear to be disturbed by some animal, she'd have no need for alarm. Not like it was necessary... the Wraiths apparently protect the place and keep the troglodytes away. She'd place two gold coins on the grave, and return to the Temple's main hall. She'd plop down with a hiss, and began to unbuckle her studded armor. Once it was lose enough to remove, she slipped it over her head and tossed it to the ground in front of herself. She was certainly a kobold who has vanity as a flaw to her character. The scales under her armor were mostly clean, protected from the elements and still holding their luster built through gods knows how many polishings. A heavy contrast compared to her arms, legs, tail, and head which had spent an entire night fighting fretfully for her own life, and not be some frog monsters dinner. They had dirt, clumps of dried mud, blood, and various scratches along the scale covering them. She turned her gaze down to her side where she had been struck, and winced at the damage she saw to her scales. In few words, it looked like shattered glass. Some of the scales had fallen off completely, and won't be replaced for some time. Her jaw fell open... as if she was going to say something. But she simply shook her head, and snapped it shut. She wasn't going to fret about it. She got out of that better than most kobolds. She pointed her claws towards where she had tossed her armor, and slapped her tail down. "Throw breastplate there... along with equipment and clothes to be cleaned. Kobold will clean. Make them smell... not like cyclops." First to be plucked up of course... was the buckler. This device had puzzled her when she tried to remove it from the cyclops. It had some sort of strange contraption to it. She nervously rolled it around in her hands, trying to get an idea of the mechanisms. She doesn't want it to deploy a crossbow bolt right between her eyes when she's trying to clean it after all.