[h2][color=olivedrab]ISAAC CHAPEL[/color][/h2] [hr][hr] Isaac watched Bernie leave and pulled his face into a frown just long enough to not be able to stop the brief melee that unfolded before him between Trevor and Deus, and Isaac quickly found himself alone with DJ for a few minutes. He was... really not sure what was going on. Things had fallen apart fairly rapidly, and not exactly in the expected way. Once Bernie finally came back, Isaac let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. He looked her over and leaned in his chair. [color=olivedrab]"You alright?" [/color] He could tell that [i]something[/i] had happened, he just didn't have any idea [i]what.[/i] Well, ok, it turned out Rob had slept with Ara first and that was somehow worth causing a ruckus about? Multiple times over? Isaac got it, it was a dick move to spread that kind of shit about people's personal business. But dammit, did it really matter? Isaac was just... confused. So he took Bernie's hand and after a minute, stood up and smiled at her when the music slowed. [Color=olivedrab]"Whaddaya say we go and have ourselves a dance, Berns? Would be a shame if we were here for the dance and didn't bother giving the chaperones something to do."[/color] He winked and gave her hand a small tug. [Color=olivedrab]"Come on."[/color]