Me joining in the end or not, i do have a suggestion for a class: [b]Curses[/b] and [b]Advanced Curses[/b] or for flavor, call them "Cursing" classes so potential comical humor can be set up on Day 1. ;) [s]also would witches have a swim club/team? considering they float in water according to medieval logic XD[/s] --- And heavens, "[b]Foreign Magic[/b]" could be a subject, with a general advanced course and potentially a variety of "region specific" sub classes after taking the initial one. Seidr, for example, is the magic casting of ancient scandinavia i think. Has various aspects such as chanting and such i think, albeit with potential sexual components flung in there. Voodoo could be another thing potentially, or some kind of other folk traditions if they are considered "witchcraft" of some sort. In fact, it could be a way of examining ancient religions via a magical practices tied into them by some means. :O --- And on the note of Alchemy, making homunculi could be an interesting aspect to it as well if we are talking about Western Alchemic practice (Eastern Alchemy could be a class as well for that, even, for students potentially). In fact, if a homunculus could be made someone's [b]familiar[/b] that could be a potentially interesting thing as well. More like a "manufactured familiar" in that case, but still! :D --- And don't forget good old [b]Necromancy[/b], raising corpses or talking to spirits, as a thing too, i suppose. :P --- [s]Now to head to bed, after getting back from work and rambling and eating a lot of food at 10pm because didn't eat ok break. (@_@)[/s] [@Allycat]