I liked all those idea's for classes so I added them to the list, I had a hard time trying to find or come up with some so any and all suggestions are completely welcome on that aspect! As for familiar's - a familiar is anything that has a soul that your able to enter into a contract with. In order to limit strong familiar's I will limit thing like Homonculi, Hell-hounds and ghosts - though even simple objects can hold quite a bit of power to them, it just depends on the familiar. I know that for many years witches would have been against different kinds of witches like voodoo-type witches, Wicca's - stuff like that. This will be the first year that Raindale even accepts witches who were taught the trade and not born into it. Raindale will have "Prided" itself on being the best place a witch could learn in safety. Now in the future Voodoo and other things like that might be introduced, heck you could even make a witch that secretly uses Hoodoo but hides it from other's.