The more she heard these people talk, the more she wondered if insanity was contagious. "He started it" was, indeed, a child's excuse for doing any kind of fighting. [color=8dc73f][b][i]<"What is [u]your[/u] reason for fighting demons?">[/i][/b][/color] the voice leered in the back of her mind. [color=662d91][b][i]<"The burning legion is intent on destroying all worlds, and is hardly a comparison to a spat in the woods. You also slaughtered my family and destroyed my home. You had it coming,">[/i][/b][/color] she told it without hesitation. And speaking of the demon within- something about one of the fighters His aura was more complex than the others, seeming jumbled, as if more than one aura were trying to coexist in the same body, but having a fight about it. It would have been unnoticeable to anyone else, but to a demon hunter's spectral vision, it posed an interesting question. Considering that the possum had just transformed into a young boy a few moments ago, it was already clear that not all was as it seemed. Was he also a demon? Her vision didn't seem to think it was. Not completely anyway. [color=8dc73f][i][b]<"He isn't one of ours, if that's what you're asking,">[/b][/i][/color] the demon within cackled. [color=662d91][i][b]<"You're awfully chatty this evening. Do shut up.">[/b][/i][/color] Aran stepped a little closer, but out of the direct line of fire that that glowing orb of power in the woman's hand presented. She didn't care to be caught in the cross fire that might occur, especially as the slight quaver in her voice and the level of bluster in her tone suggested she was nervous, and apt to do any wild thing. Aran, on the other hand, was feeling the predator within rearing it's head. Aran didn't want a fight tonight but oh... she did kind of want a fight tonight. Especially if it was demon blood she'd taste. [color=662d91][b]"Forgive my intrusion,"[/b][/color] she said smoothly, speaking just loud enough for the group to hear. Her voice, tainted by the fel power that burned in her blood, was deep and alien. [color=662d91][b]"Before you decide to torch the forest, perhaps you should question this creature,"[/b][/color] and with one, sharp-taloned hand, she gestured elegantly at the one with the confused aura ([@Letmehaveone2]). [color=662d91][b]"I think you might find he's of... [i]two[/i] minds."[/b][/color]