[@ShwiggityShwah][@Raging Fenrir][@Crowvette][@Saltwater Thief][@TheHangedMan][@A Lowly Wretch][@Rune_Alchemist][@Pyromania99] This should explain how summoning works (hope it makes sense): Ars Invocato involves a link between the Invoker and the summoned being. Invokers use their abilities to open gates to other realms and ‘call’ upon beings that they are compatible with. Say, for example, an invoker wanted to summon something simple like a falcon. He or she would basically search the realms for a falcon that was compatible and 'mind link’ with the falcon. The falcon could then be called through a gate to the invoker’s location. A weak or severed link would result in a failed summon and the falcon won't come. In order to have a strong link, an invoker must have solid knowledge about the being they are summoning. Invokers can eventually advance to a level where they can manifest creatures from their imaginations. This requires perfect knowledge of the being that is summoned. It is extremely difficult at first, as it is nearly impossible to have a connection with something that doesn't exist outside of the invoker's mind. As the ability is practiced and the invoker's powers grow, summoning becomes easier and even more complex. Also, here is a CS to get ideas started. The final one may be a bit different: [b]Name |[/b] [b]Age |[/b] [b]Gender |[/b] [b]Level/Tier |[/b] [b]House |[/b] [b]Appearance/Attire |[/b] [b]Alignment |[/b] [hider=Choose One]Defender (Lawful Good) Peacekeeper (Lawful Moral) Judge (Lawful Neutral) Enforcer (Lawful Impure) Tyrant (Lawful Evil) Altruist (Social Good) Companion (Social Moral) Diplomat (Social Neutral) Trickster (Social Impure) Ringleader (Social Evil) Benefactor (Neutral Good) Idealist (Neutral Moral) Bystander (True Neutral) Narcissist (Neutral Impure) Villain (Neutral Evil) Revolutionary (Rebel Good) Vigilante (Rebel Moral) Maverick (Rebel Neutral) Outlaw (Rebel Impure) Instigator (Rebel Evil) Dynamo (Chaotic Good) Radical (Chaotic Moral) Free Spirit (Chaotic Neutral) Hellion (Chaotic Impure) Terrorist (Chaotic Evil)[/hider] [b]Personality/Habits |[/b] [b]Background |[/b] [hider= Blank CS - Copy Me!] [code] [b]Name | [/b] [b]Age | [/b] [b]Gender | [/b] [b]Level/Tier | [/b] [b]House | [/b] [b]Appearance/Attire | [/b] [b]Alignment | [/b] [b]Personality/Habits | [/b] [b]Background | [/b] [/code] [/hider] [hr] ...Aaaaaand I edited the bottom of the first post