[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/360327250866077698/370419802071629824/Diana_Seraph.png[/img][/center] [color=firebrick]"While your compassion is heartwarming, I have little need for it so you can save it. As for what you're saying you make it sound like the White Fang wasn't going to attack until now, which is painfully naive. Secondly, who's to say they'll know it was me? In this backwater town, anyone could have beaten this man within an inch of his life. I do have contingencies for the few times I leave interrogation subjects alive, ergo the needle I injected him with earlier."[/color] Diana glanced over her shoulder back at Yoki, making sure to avoid eye contact. [color=firebrick]"Do you honestly think I just indiscriminately go around torturing people and letting them remember who I am? That would be idiotic and unprofessional... And honestly, even if I just pricked his thumb with my knife the White Fang would twist it into a brutal attack. Those animals have no shame."[/color] With that Diana left the alleyway and slowly started off towards the rendezvous point, praying that Yoki would hold his tongue.