[@Everyone] [color=39b54a][h1][center]Maria Falena[/center][/h1][/color] Maria was still searching in her ship, So far not finding anything at the moment. She wondered if this was some sort of wild goose chase and they were being lead a stray somehow. The searchlight coming out from the eyes of her mech was moving back and forth though the forest trees, "Darn" She cursed to herself wanting to find the pilot and the mech, But their was something strange she noticed with some tree looking like they have been bent by something. Flying closer towards the patch of trees that were moved, noticing a small whiff of smoke coming form the tree. It seemed to her whatever was hidden by the trees had caught fire a few days ago, Hovering a bit closer towards the ground seeing a wrecked mech with some large looking hole in the chest of the mech. From what she could tell that this mech was stabbed by something, "Everyone come here i think i found the mech" She radioed in everyone. Searching the mech for the body of the plot.