"For me? No, I have seen what I needed to see." Neesa replied, entirely ignoring the fact that the question was directed at Meesei. "Perhaps the Altmer will come up with another task for you to justify her presence, but I have taken my measure of you. Insisting you fight a few lowly daedra would accomplish nothing. Your reliance on equilibrium will probably get you killed, but as long as you are useful enough to us [i]before[/i] you die, I don't care." As Neesa was stepping out of the arena, Meesei stepped in, telekinetically pulling one of the healing potions she had brought to her along the way. "Here, to recover your strength." Meesei offered, though her voice came down to barely above a whisper as she continued. "I apologize; I would have preferred to give you a different introduction to [i]her[/i]. She is an ally to us, but...not by anyone's first choice. I can explain in more detail once we have some privacy. In fact, I would say you have earned some rest right now, if you want to return to your quarters. We can talk on the way." [hr] Julan's first reaction was to deal with the most immediate threat, which meant that his blade was in position for defense against her axe instead of trying to force another opening. He could not stop her from charging into him; however, that was not necessarily to his disadvantage. He held strong in place, stumbling only slightly. He could not get a good swing on her with his sword, but he did get his free hand onto her shield. As Narsi was trying to back away, Julan yanked on the shield as hard as he could, attempting to rip it from her hands entirely.