With that question answered.. here's my CS! [Hider=Evanora Liang] [center][color=BDA0CB][h1]Evanora Liang[/h1][/color][/center] [center][img]https://a1foster.files.wordpress.com/2018/09/149432_8689-e1536756784971.jpg?w=1200[/img][/center] [color=BDA0CB][center]"She wears strength and darkness equally well,  the girl has always been half goddess, half hell."[/center][/color] [color=BDA0CB][center]Nickname [/center][/color] [center]Nora, only by those who know her particularly well.[/center] [color=BDA0CB][center]Age [/center][/color] [center]22[/center] [color=BDA0CB][center]Gender[/center][/color] [center]Female[/center] [color=BDA0CB][center]Sexual Orientation [/center][/color] [center]Presumably Straight. Has no time for dating though.[/center] [color=BDA0CB][center]Racial Orientation [/center][/color] [center]Chinese, a direct descendant of Zhang Liang, a witch executed during the Salem Witch Trials.[/center] [center]༻🔮༺[/center] [color=BDA0CB][center]History [/center][/color] [center]Evanora Liang comes from a long long lineage of witches, they're all incredibly dedicated to the craft, however only the eldest females of each generation are allowed to practice. This is to honor their ancestor Zhang Liang whom was burned to death during the Salem Witch trials. They're a high ranking family, who send every practicing witch to Raindale, going to the university was Evanora's destiny from the moment she was born. Her grandmother was an extremely high ranking witch, however the stress was so much, she had advised Evanora's mother not to follow her same path. Evanora however, admired her grandmother so greatly she refused to follow her advice.[/center] [color=BDA0CB][center]Personality [/center][/color] [center]Evanora is studious, well mannered to those in a higher position than herself, poised, and ambitious. However, she can be curt to those she views as beneath her, extremely self-involved, a work-a-holic, and conceited.[/center] [center]༻🔮༺[/center] [color=BDA0CB][center]Likes[/center][/color] [center]Evanora enjoys writing, reading, kitchen magic(which she studies in her own time), elegant gatherings, and being the center of attention.[/center] [color=BDA0CB][center]Dislikes[/center][/color] [center]Slackers, horror movies, parties and party people.[/center] [color=BDA0CB][center]Hobbies[/center][/color] [center]Evanora is an avid baker, and quite a decent cook as well. She enjoys having small dinner parties for her few companions.[/center] [color=BDA0CB][center]Fears[/center][/color] [center]Evanora fears not being good enough, of letting her grandmother down. Also spirits. She refuses to do any spirit work.[/center] [color=BDA0CB][center]Dreams[/center][/color] [center]Evanora dreams of being a high ranking witch just like her grandmother.[/center] [center]༻🔮༺[/center] [color=BDA0CB][center]Year[/center][/color] [center]Second[/center] [color=BDA0CB][center]Classes[/center][/color] [center]Beginners Curses, Crystals, Astral Projection, and Scrying.[/center] [center]First year she took Atrology, Fortune Telling, and Tarot.[/center] [color=BDA0CB][center]Specialization[/center][/color] [center]Evanora's entire family tends to specialize in Divination and Chaos magic, she studied chaos magic under her mother before coming to Raindale.[/center] [color=BDA0CB][center]Strengths[/center][/color] [center]Evanora's greatest strength is in divination, she enjoys tarot and pendulum work in particular.[/center] [color=BDA0CB][center]Weaknesses[/center][/color] [center]Her greatest weakness is spirits and the spirit world. It absolutely terrifies her and leaves her vulnerable.[/center] [center]༻🔮༺[/center] [color=BDA0CB][center]Familiar[/center][/color] [center]The Liang family line always find their familiars at a young age through a family binding ritual. This ritual is in fact done so young that Evanora doesn't have any memory of the event. The binding ritual is kept secret in the family Grimoire, which bits and pieces of are revealed to Evanora throughout her life. Evanora's familiar is a snake named Finn, who grows and shrinks in size depending on the amount of magic power she's using. When passive, he's small enough to just wrap around her wrist and hang out. When using large amounts of magic he grows incredibly large and coils around her in order to protect her.[/center] [/hider]