[h3]Alexander[/h3] It wasn't long before they got within sight of the town square, but as they started to move around the ground beneath them turned to slippery mud and slush. Alexander managed to keep his balance again with some quick footwork, but Hannah fell to the ground in its wake. "Try side-stepping," he offered to her as she got off and cleaned her clothes as best she could, "It'll give you more traction from more of your foot fighting the ground." There happened to be a small slope right at hand, so he decided to demonstrate as he turned sideways and crab walked down it. "Now then, let's see here..." he said as he looked around for anybody that looked connected to a castle in some way. That failing, he'd keep his eyes peeled for the local watering hole. [i]When in doubt, go where the booze is[/i], as they used to say back home. And it had yet to fail him in his life.