Summer transformed on the way to the graveyard, her trusty bat forming in her hand as she did. When they arrived though, everyone was separated. It was by luck alone that she was in the same area as Alicia, and that fact made her even more confident that they'd win against whatever came next. That being a boy dressed in a[s]n adorable[/s] king's outfit and a girl with a dragon. While Elroy wasted time talking, Summer decided to figure out what they were up against. She set her bat against her leg and pulled her sketchpad from her handbag. She began stretching the scene in front of her which with her experience didn't take long at all to have a rudimentary picture of the Bates and the graveyard behind them, crypt included. As she drew, she learned more and more about what she was drawing; the crypt was their main target, if that wasn't obvious from looking at it, and the Bates had apparently used another Black Coin to stall for time! "This isn't your average darkness... this is [i]advanced darkness![/i] Alicia, they're double coined! Hopefully that means they're doubly weak to light, right? Not... half weak. Oh no, what if they have new magic!? We... we..." She paused and filled in more details of the Bates in her drawing. She flipped to another page and quickly drew Alicia and the final girl in the area. "Well... shit." Summer ran over to Alicia and whispered into her ear. "Do you think you can get through the barrier and make it to the crypt? Me and sword-girl over there can handle these two in the Overcity. Alternatively, I could do what I did to the cathedral to the crypt and a bit of the rest of the graveyard, just on purpose this time. I'll probably get slaughtered on the other side but at least we'd win. Up to you though, great leader."