[center][h1][color=skyblue]❅❄ Fuyuko Yamazaki ❄❅[/color][/h1][/center][hr] [@A Lowly Wretch] [color=skyblue]"Thanks."[/color] Reaching for her phone, Fuyuko gave a brief smile. As glad as she was to have met Sophia, it was something of a relief that the conversation hadn't veered towards participation - yet. Soon, the fact would be impossible to hide. Fuyuko may well have been worrying about nothing, not knowing yet whether Sophia would be taking part, yet she couldn't rule out the possibility. [color=skyblue]"Yeah, that'd be great."[/color] Once they'd exchanged numbers, the mousy-haired girl inclined her head. [color=skyblue]"Well, it was good to meet you, and I hope we get to talk again soon."[/color] [i]Under positive circumstances,[/i] was the part she kept to herself. [color=skyblue]"Until next time."[/color] Noriko waved over her shoulder as she began to head along a separate street. [color=mediumseagreen]"Yeah, I guess it's time to get back to work, but see ya!"[/color] she called. Fuyuko took one more wistful look in Sophia's direction before traipsing after her sister. She wasn't exactly one to make friends easily, and it seemed Sophia wasn't either. If only they'd met in a situation more conducive to friendship. [color=mediumseagreen]"Well..."[/color] Noriko lowered her voice. [color=mediumseagreen]"I'd better go begin guard duty, but best of luck! I'm rooting for you!"[/color] Her eyes shimmered with desperate hope. Another reminder that failure was out of the question. Both sisters hugged before Noriko hurried back towards the family home, ready to fend off one of many waves of shades that flocked in greater numbers night after night. Fuyuko stood alone, shivering. Not from the cold, which no longer bothered her, even in her regular form. It was the thought of what would happen if she failed. A thought that would haunt her throughout the entire tournament. She trudged along the street in search of shades as the sky dimmed overhead. Before long, only the moon - that distant land the princess in the folktale could no longer reach - would give it light.