Penelope nodded her head a bit absently as her gaze swept over to the gossiping noblewomen. She eyed them for a moment, disliking that they were likely creating some rumor or assumptions about Crow being allowed out of the castle alive. She sighed to herself and looked back ahead. Though she found their gossip annoying, there was nothing she could do about it and soon enough any speculating would be put to rest once he formally took the position as ambassador. Her attention shifted back over to Crow as he asked about her plans to confront Mia. She had already been doing some thinking on how to go about it but the thought of it made her nervous. There was still a lot of uncertainty that she felt in trying to convince Mia to let her return to the inner kingdom. Even though she had been thinking over how to deal with this situation, she wouldn't know how well her plan would work until she actually spoke with the baroness. "Sorta." Penelope mumbled as she looked up at him. "I'm hoping that if I can get her to agree with me on ending the war that she'll see reason in letting me return to the castle. If I can do that, I probably won't have to fight her too much on leaving. She'll still have one lieutenant with her after all and then I can represent her back at the inner kingdom." She gave a small shrug and paused as another concern, though smaller, came to mind. "Also, I've been wondering... What should we tell my comrades about you, you know, not being arrested?" she asked. "I know word will eventually get out about you becoming viceroy but.. I'm not sure if it's a wise idea to mention anything to my battalion about it."