[@Hammerman] I'm just clarifying more than anything tbh. That is how I imagine it, but I just want to make sure before I do anything major. [@Artifex] I'm not naming any names, but [i]someone[/i] pestered me to make a character with them so here's a second CS for you. [s][sub][@Pyromania99][/sub][/s] [hider=Livia] [center][img]https://safebooru.org//images/2626/5b2c3de2ffaaa308ae7567b44cfc490dfc394125.png?2734372[/img][/center] [b]Name | [/b] Livia Annalea Lindall. Discarded her family name when she was taken in by Katherine. [b]Age | [/b] 16 [b]Gender | [/b] Female [b]Level/Tier | [/b] Adept, tier two [b]House | [/b] Phantasma [b]Appearance/Attire | [/b] An alluring violet flower in thicket of twisted, dead gardens. Standing at five foot four, Livia is not very physically impressive. One could probably assume they could blow on her and knock her over. A petite, slight build with an elegant seeming air about her. She sports long, elegant black hair with eyes the color of amethyst. Livia would be quite stunning to look at. No blemishes and seemingly carries an air of quiet somberness and Melancholy about her. She normally dresses in fine dresses of more muted colors. Blues, purples, and black. She always carries a bored, mildly disinterested expression towards most people. [b]Alignment | [/b] Tyrant [b]Personality/Habits | [/b] Livia is a harsh girl. Disliking useless things, valuing books and knowledge over emotion, Livia is a rather humorless and serious sort most of the time. Coupled with her rather direct and blunt behavior towards people, she can come off as quite...antagonistic and somewhat icy. Not that she cares about others opinions. A bit of a pleasure seeker, she'll do whatever she wants, whens she wants it, and she really won't let anyone get in the way. Likes to tease others in more personal settings, though prefers reading books and practice over anything dealing with people. Easily jealous, and particularly talking about her birth sister and adoptive sister is an easy way to earn her ire. Honestly? In general, she's not a very pleasant person until she warms up to you. [b]Background | [/b] An unfortunate child not loved even by her own parents. Born to Lady Reine Fiore and Lord Clement Fiore, Livia's early life was one of neglect, if not abuse. It was determined early that her older sister, Marise had inherited most of the families favor and fortune. Livia herself, was mostly considered nothing but a waste of space, and Left mostly to her own devices and raised more by maids in the estate. That is, until she was eight years old when one of her mothers old school friends saw how she was treated - and decided to take care of the girl herself with a rather ridiculous bet made between her mother and her friend. "If she could turn Livia into anything but a decoration, she'd give the child the entire house." Agreeing, even if only as a joke, the woman, Katherine Lindall took Livia home and started raising her as her own. Now having a both a bit more freedom, and a parental figure that at least pretended to care, you could say she was on some level happy. Katherine went as so far to teach her how to summon ghosts and spirits, commune with the dead and bring them to this realm. An activity that she poured every bit of effort and ambition into that she could. Still, her mother had been right - she wasn't naturally suited towards such magical pursuits, but years after hard work, labor, and study at the academy, she at least, could be content with some level of skill with summoning. If nothing else, her knowledge about the intricacies lend credence to her holding some form of ability. And if nothing else, she is determined to become the strongest no matter what it takes. [/hider]