[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180414/59b76bf7b5b78d2bb3d2a7fb86019d1b.png[/img] [img]https://s22.postimg.cc/exf37m2ld/61505d6c13788097b94e810cbf726d2d.png[/img][/center][hr] [center][img]https://i.giphy.com/media/g0bODeYW64djO/giphy.webp[/img][/center][hr][center][@Morose][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@LadyRunic][@KazAlkemi][@ColouredCyan][@eclecticwitch][/center][hr][hr][@LadyRunic][@KazAlkemi][@Morose][@Nallore] [color=blue]"Hello there Dr. Banner,"[/color] Beast greeted as he saw the man rush into the room, and he figured that he likely was the one that Guin had contacted, however there was something that was bugging about this situation. [color=blue]"Might I comment though that that does not seem like the best idea in the world... You do not know what repercussions that could have."[/color] [color=8dc73f]"Henry, cut the crap,"[/color] Banner snapped. [color=8dc73f]"Do you think I'd be doing this if there was any other choice? It's between this and death for my son!"[/color] [color=blue]"You do not know that for certain, as for the effects this could potentially have, no one knows really... Which is why I'm saying that perhaps there might be another way..."[/color] [color=8dc73f]"I've thought this through, Henry. Lance has a blood disorder - one he got from my special genetic cocktail. And since you are also a man of science, you know that basic blood typing doesn't cover every possible variation. We need as close to a perfect match for him that is possible. Which is me. Now get out of my way before I make you get out of the way and believe me, you do NOT want to meet the other guy right now as for once, we're both on the same goddamn page."[/color] Beast let out a sigh, before just stepping out of the way to allow Banner to get to where Lance was. He figured that arguing with Banner was a bad idea, especially since considering all of the injuries, the last thing they needed was the Hulk in the middle of it all. The room was already fairly chaotic without adding that into the mix. Instead, as he let Banner get to work with starting a blood transfusion for Lance, he took to helping Carolina again. [color=blue]"Relax Ms. Reed, and I must say, you are most certainly not alright, however you will be..."[/color] [color=CFFF5C]"The chaos upstairs is gone,"[/color] a voice said, answering Richard's question as Rogue and Gambit walked into the room, Rogue was carrying Mary who was still out cold. Rogue went over, finding one of the seemingly short in stock medical beds and set Mary down, she set her down on the bed right next to Richard. Gambit walked and stood in between the two beds, a few cards in his hand. He was prepared to protect Marygold at a second's notice. [color=A41E45]"So.... ya think she'll remember any of this?"[/color] [color=CFFF5C]"Do we remember our last encounter with the mind control idiot?"[/color] [color=A41E45]"Ah don't mon amie - I woke up with Wolverine beatin' the shit out of me."[/color] [color=C4C4C7]"Actually, fairly certain you are the only one whose memory has failed them, I remember that encounter all too well. Not to mention are you sure that wasn't just Logan being mad at you for some other reason?"[/color] [color=A41E45]"Ah dunno Stormie, it's really hard at times to remember why Logan hates me."[/color] [color=CFFF5C]"Well odds are she's gonna remember and have a killer headache when she wakes up."[/color] [color=A41E45]"Well let's give her some morphine chère!"[/color] [color=CFFF5C]"That ain't a good idea Remy and ya know it."[/color] [color=A41E45]"She won't have a headache!"[/color] [color=C4C4C7]"Morphine typically isn't given to someone with a headache."[/color] [color=A41E45]"First time for everything mes amis."[/color] [@FantasyChic][@Nallore][@Morose][@eclecticwitch][@LadyRunic][@ColouredCyan] [color=AB0F0F]"It'll be alright Sara, I honestly know what you are feeling all too well..."[/color] Jean said softly, giving Sara a smile, before she looked at the others now. Cyclops closed his eyes before he switched from his visor to a pair of red sunglasses that he then slipped on, looking at everyone else. [color=3346D5]"Last time we dealt with him wasn't exactly a pretty picture... You'll likely feel a major headache for several hours that no pain killers can get rid of, trust me... Anyway we need to get down below, Jean, think you can carry them or what?"[/color] [color=AB0F0F]"I should be able to, or at least carry one of them,"[/color] Jean said, lifting Neil easily off of the ground, before turning to Allison with a slight smile. [color=AB0F0F]"Do you think you can carry her?"[/color] she asked, nodding her head towards where Bethany was. [@Morose] [color=7ea7d8]"Why are we arguing about this? You are getting your head checked out right now and you are NOT arguing about it, got it?"[/color] Pietro said, before he just picked her up off of the ground and raced her downstairs to medical. [@LadyRunic] Ayita would find herself seriously hurting still after all of the blasts that she had taken during the fights. It never was going to be easy to withstand a blast from Cyclops, even with his visor, and she had taken several without it, and her body had several burns on it. Someone else seemed to have taken notice, as a shield of sorts appeared, blocking Ayita's way. [color=8A8E4D]"Ms. Dyrkin, I must insist that you come inside immediately, refusal to do so might result in great bodily harm, even greater than the injuries that it appears Cyclops has already inflicted."[/color] Danger said, appearing in front of her