[center][h3] All that Glitters is Not Gold (These don’t Glitter either) [/h3] [/center] Collab between [color=9966CC]Emiliah[/color] [@ellion] and [color=00a651]Matrim[/color] [@TheDoctor] The silence between the pair grew as the sounds of the goblins died down to nothing. Either their fellow huntsmen has gotten the best of the creatures, or the wretches had simply gotten bored and wandered off. The moon cast an empty light that would soon cast the whole world in an unearthly glow. The giant trees creating shadows that seemed to come alive. Emiliah watched Mat, waiting for him to move. To get help. To something. She tried to voice her concern, but her lips and arm didn’t want to respond properly. “[color=c24641]Oh?[/color]” came a voice, entering the gully. “[color=c24641]And...what do we have here?[/color]” The shadows parted ways as a man entered. He had a build similar to the Digard. Tall, muscular. “[color=c24641] You aren’t long for this world, I wouldn’t wonder,[/color]” Matrim was barely functional as he looked up at the man who approached them. Blood was still seeping from several of his wounds, and he knew it wouldn’t be long before he would go unconscious. Both of them were far too wounded at this point to get up and dress their wounds, let alone get up to find help. This man was likely they’re only source of aid, and they were lucky anyone even found them in the forest this quickly. He would likely be the only person to have found them. He also seemed like a piece-of-shit asswipe leering at two wounded deer. “[color=00a651]Who the fuck are you supposed to be?[/color]” Matrim spat out, restoring some energy to himself as he did so. “[color=00a651]We’re trying to relax here.[/color]” “[color=c24641]If that is the case, then perhaps I should leave you too it,[/color]” he said, his right hand gesturing towards the sky, two large rings catching the light as he turned to leave the two. Matrim bit his lip as the man turned to leave, angry at his tongue for all the insults he loved to make. His eyes glanced over at Emiliah, who hadn’t moved in the last few minutes. ““[color=00a651]Emiliah?[/color]” he asked over tentatively, but received no response. The man was still turned away from them, and Matrim knew he needed to swallow his pride. He would not the factor in another hunter’s death. “[color=00a651]Wait, please wait,[/color]” he finally said to the man. “[color=00a651]We need help, please help us, damn it all I do not want us to die in this god forsaken forest.[/color]” “[color=c24641]Well….since you asked so nicely[/color],” There was the snap of a branch and the world darkened. ---------- The air was filled with a rich aroma of cooking meat. A scent so familiar and soothing, that it lulled Emiliah into true contentment and made it easy to ignore the vague sense of urgency that gnawed at her stomach, competing with a dull hunger. The scent soothed her, keeping her stuck in the place of not sleeping, yet not being fully awake. There was an ache coming from her arm. But that was expected, after all she did get shot in the arm- Two voice, both male, pulled her from her inbetween state. With a gasp, Emiliah shot straight up, the blankets falling to her side. Her arm was bandaged from from shoulder to wrist. The clothing she wore was soft and simple, but rich in color and well made. And utterly unfamiliar to her. She tried not to think too hard on how they came to be in her condition. The bed she laid was large and by far the most comfortable she’d ever been in. “[color=c24641]Ah, good, you’re awake, I was starting to wonder if you would[/color],” Mat was sitting at the foot of her bed. The light of day finally showing many of the features that the night had blocked. But she recognized him all the same. The worst of his injuries were treated, but the minor scabs, wounds and scars were visible outside of his clothing. His clothing was similar to hers, night cloths to be sure, but far finer than anything that could be found in Seren. There was a tightness in his muscles that told her he at less of an idea of where they were than herself. And it wasn’t he who spoke. Emiliah followed his gaze to the other side of the room. The room was large and ornately decorated. A few chairs and a large comfortable looking couch covered a rug that was situated in front of a large, empty fireplace. The voice spoke again, coming from a man resting on the couch. His right arm was draped across the back of the couch, while his left held a goblet of dark liquid. His clothing was impeccable and neatly tailored. His eyes were dark, not black but deep brown. Dark brown hair was nearly styled in the way of the aristocracy “[color=c24641]Perhaps, your alertness will take the edge off of your friend,[/color]”. His lips held an easy smile and his eyes were upturned, as though he was seconds away from laughter. [hider= TLDR] Who are these mysterious creatures and what do they want with these hunters? Will they stop at two or are all that hunt in the night at risk. Find out next time on GM posts [/hider]