[center][hr][h3][b][u][b]Application status: Closed. There will certainly be new slots opening up in the future. - [url=https://discord.gg/2vjGae3]Discord[/url][/b][/u][/b][/h3] [hr][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/liberproeliis/images/c/ce/A_Song_of_Ice_and_Fire.png/revision/latest?cb=20161004015248&path-prefix=pt-br[/img][h1]WAKENING[/h1][hr] "In summer, our fields are plentiful. In winter, our resolve is iron." [color=EBE957]― [i][b]Lord Edwyn Landry[/b][/i][/color][/center] [hr] [indent][quote]The year is [b]298 AC[/b]. Tensions are high in the Seven Kingdoms. [b]Tyrion Lannister[/b] has been captured by [b]Catelyn Stark[/b] following the attempted murder of her lastborn son, [b]Bran[/b]. In response, [b]Ser Gregor Clegane[/b], "The Mountain", has been sent to raid the south-western Riverlands on behalf of [b]Tywin Lannister[/b] - a small display of the great power the Lannisters posses. As [b]Eddard Stark[/b] attempts to deal with the political fallout as new Hand of the King, the tension between the great houses is irrefutable, and many fear that a greater conflict is on the horizon. Meanwhile, in the north-eastern Riverlands, far from The Mountain's raids, [b]House Landry[/b] of [b]Fallow Hill[/b] watches over the largest stretch of fertile farmlands north of The Reach. A family known for their hard-working attitude and staunch loyalty to House Tully, House Landry have their banner at the ready, with their ancestral words as relevant as ever; "[i]First to Waken[/i]," both for harvest in the morn, and for the call of war. What is to come will test their unity, and their resolve, to their very core.[/quote][/indent] [hr][center][hider=Rules][list][*]There [u]will[/u] be plenty of adult themes in this RP. Harsh language, bigotry, and violence are commonplace in Westeros, so they can't be ignored. [i]However[/i], there are certain lines we must not cross. Graphic sexuality and going over-the-top with violence and language is to be prohibited. The 'fade to black' rule applies. [*]Standard metagaming and powergaming rules apply. [*]Posts must meet a certain level of quality. Grammar and punctuation don't need to be perfect, but they must be cohesive. This is casual, not free. No one-liners. [*]There is no set post-schedule, but if you fail to post for a prolonged period of time, (especially if your character is in the middle of an important plotpoint,) they will either become an NPC, or be killed off. If you wish to take time off for whatever reason, you can request it, and your character can go inactive to later be reclaimed. [*]Any interaction with major canon characters must be approved. Any actions on minor canon characters must be approved. Your character isn't best friends with Daenerys. You can't randomly kill Ramsay. [*]All IC posts will begin with [code][h1]Your character's first name[/h1][/code]. [/list][/hider][/center][hr]