[h2]Astrid[/h2] "It's fine Sumi, it was more fortunate if you had another... but I guess not." Astrid did her best to clean herself up, but she probably was still stained with mud as she got to the castle with Sumi. She did let the other girl do the talking, as she had the most experience, but they found themselves stonewalled. She stepped in close and looked up at the guards. "Are you sure there is no way we can get to the top? Or manage to convince you that we need to get there?" The first guard glared a bit at that. "Are you deaf? No one is allowed up top. Now go. Both of you." Astrid stepped back at that and then looked away blushing. She had failed at that. Oh gods, she usually was able to talk to people but it seemed that these guards really had a dedication to their duty. [hr] [h2]Katalina[/h2] Katalina looked over the castle, and felt a tingle of nostalgia at the back of her brain. The castle felt like one of the ones that she had seen in all those Disney movies as a kid. She wasn't sure which one it was, but she shrugged as she walked around the castle and then looked over as she noticed a shed. She tilted her head as she walked over to the ladder by the shed and she touched her hand to it. It was burning to be used, and Katalina looked at it. It was perfect, and it looked like it would hold their weight. "Hey Christopher, I might have found our way up. We should hide it and then go tell the others. We were meeting up at the fountain, right? We should head that way." "Yes, we're meeting there. Let's head that way." Christopher seemed happy to have found the ladder as well, so they had a good way to head to the top of the tower. However, Katalina was still worried about how this was going to go down. She hated heights, and she would have to jump into the unknown.