Felix sat in lotus position, using Aero to keep himself aloft. The focus required to keep himself at a stable height was immense, but a good distraction from boredom. The shrinks said he might have Attention Deficit Disorder, he personally thought it was because his brain was hardwired for combat... and pranking. Pranks were great, and generally brought combat which was always a great plus. Letting the part of his mind not focusing on psuedo-levitation pan across the room, his senses immediately pinged danger. Crap, the girl had a damn raptor. Inwardly he cursed that bitch Artemis for creating such a skilled creature of the hunt, he would be forced to reveal part of his hand early. Ah well, c'est la vie. The girl herself seemed to be a minor threat... though magic screwed with perceptions of things. Wait... did he just hear that right, she wanted to try and tame Heartless? He almost fell down laughing at the girl's naivety. Eh, if she wants to be consumed by the darkness he was sure Leo had some spots open in his club. [i]"Shishishi... see Boss? Keyblade weilders can have colour to them, stop being such an emo and wear something other than black."[/i] he laughed, poking fun again at Toscax's attire, [i]"To answer your question little girl, the Heartless are what happens when a person gives in to darkness and their heart is torn from their body. They are driven by their instinct to collect more hearts by forcing their darkness upon others. Only magic and the legendary keyblade can harm them. Shishishi... they go boom real good."[/i]