[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=00aeef]Emanuel "Manny" Newman[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article6733955.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/PAY-Former-James-Bond-actor-Timothy-Dalton.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] [center][b]Location:[/b] Quarantine [b]Skills:[/b] N/A [/center] [hr][hr] Once back in his seat Manny was feeling pretty good. They had food, they had clean clothes, they had a comfortable place to hang out, and they were safe. Manny didn't think he would live to see another place like this in such a long time. He had his bag full of some of the things they would need over the next few days as the locals made sure he and the others were not sick with something that could get the community sick. He was fine with that, it wasn't a dark basement room with one meal a day and guards holding them at gun point every other step. Though, there were armed guards... He couldn't blame them though, there were a lot of fucked up people in the world. But the guns were not pointed at them, nor did they feel like they were being held at gun point. Things were all starting to look up for them. Until the question of Thana was brought up from one of the people in the other groups. Manny hadn't registered the last name of Gunny at first, but then it clicked. She did survive that night, she had even been here a while, but now... was gone? Manny wasn't sure what he felt at that moment... he was still upset with Thana for taking the truck right after Thalia had her arm cut off, but he never wanted her to come to harm. He was ready to ask where she was now, but it seems Gunny wasn't in a place to talk now. Was she dead? Was she okay? With that thought, he didn't care about how good this place was. He just wanted to know she was okay, a chance to talk to her again. Though their relationship hasn't been personal, they were friends, basically family. And they were supposed to look out for one another. "[color=00aeef]God dammit...[/color]" He wasn't sure what else to say, the only thing that would be worse now was to find out that she had died, alone and scared. Then things got worse, while Manny was brooding he heard the recognizable sound of flesh and bones, contacting hard with flesh and bones. He turned fast enough to see the military man who asked about Thana hit the ground hard. Manny stood up ready to assist however he could, but the smaller woman started on a rather long monologue in a language Manny didn't understand. German or Russian maybe. Not Spanish or French or anything of Latin root as far as he could tell. She was... clearly upset. Though due to a lack of translation ability on Manny's part, he couldn't make out why. Manny wanted to go in and ask if everything was alright, his expression showed that clearly, though he didn't think asking her anything was a good idea right now. He did notice that the guards were doing nothing about the situation, he found that... Weird. But the Russian woman was calming down now, loud sure, but at least she wasn't hitting again. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=00a651]Private Hunter James Monroe[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/180439341/large.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] [center][b]Location:[/b] Quarantine [b]Skills:[/b] N/A [/center] [hr][hr] Hunter held a list of trust and social issues and because of this he tried to keep his interactions with people as minimal as possible out of fear that he would either screw it up somehow, get stabbed in the back, or that anyone he tries to get close to ends up leaving this shitty world before he does. So waiting by the coffee machine for more coffee was a shitty place to avoid people he learned pretty quick. Most people didn't pay him much attention while he sat and drink his happy drink, but so many people walking into his direction was stressful as hell, and he struggled to hide it. He was already on bad terms with more people then he knew names for. The list was getting longer then he would have liked. He didn't think so many people were still coffee addicts, but there was at least a couple older guys getting coffee, the one armed girl who Hunter figured could still hold her own in a fight, event he other Monroe got another cup, though she left pretty fast once she had her cup. He was tempted to just get up and find a new spot, but he wondered if that would show how stressed he was and someone would use it later? What if he was being probed for weaknesses? He considered finding a fork or a knife for a weapon, but he wasn't sure he could take everyone if it broke out. Especially the ones with guns. But damn, he hated being unarmed with so many people around him and with the lack of an ability to leave. Seemed a couple people came over for their cups of coffee and stayed a bit. They seemed a bit upset about what the officer man said. All Hunter could think was [color=00a651]Damn...[/color] as he regretted not paying more attention. Only to realize he spoke out loud. Though he did get the bits about the rooms, he wondered if they would keep everyone isolated, or if they would get paired up. Or even more grouped up, like during high school trips that went over night and they put 5 people into a 2 bedroom hotel room. That was always fun. Granted, that was one trip. He wondered who he might get paired with? After all, this place was a motel and so he had trouble believing that this place wasn't big enough for people to get paired up. Singled up is hard to say, he didn't get that much of a look of the building. Though, he wasn't a big fan of anyone here so far. Everyone thought of him as an asshole, seemed top be scared of him, or would probably find a reason to get him shot at his first poorly placed joke. With that thought he chuckled. "[color=00a651]Sorry ya can't take a joke.[/color]" He mumbled to himself, again not realizing he was thinking out loud. But he was still smiling like he was having a good time. The more he thought about it though, the less he liked being paired with anyone. Most people he has met since the world ended has either been an asshole, more paranoid then he was, tried to stab him in the back, scared of him, or dead. He wasn't really good at making friends. Though... a friend is what he needed now. He didn't see things going in his favor if he lacked someone to back him up. Even if just verbally to make sure a guard or someone else didn't try to fight him. Though, he still had his guard training to help him out if need be. He did recognize that he was a little rash at times, so maybe someone to talk him down from time to time. But as of right now, he wasn't a fan of anyone here. Though the people auditioning for pirates seemed cool enough. Part of him wanted to strike a conversation with the old man missing a leg, and the girl who had lost apart of her arm, but all he could do is open his mouth a little, only to close it without a sound. It was... a lot easier to talk to himself then others. Plus, they would most likely call him out as the loud mouth asshole who questioned this utopia like place. He was surprised about the lack of argument from everyone else here. Did they really believe this place was so perfect? He remembered a quote he learned in English class, what felt like such a long time ago... There is no such thing as a true utopia. Just about when his thought on the situation was done, he saw one of the redhead girls sucker punch the soldier from the shower room right in the face. "[color=00a651]Oh shit...[/color]" He figured things would get intense, the guards would get involved. Things were going south fast. He down his coffee as fast as he could and stood up, getting ready to smash the cup as a makeshift weapon. When things went south he wasn't planning on being unarmed. Even a broken cup would be better then nothing. He stopped himself before he committed to the action. For a couple reasons. The first, he picked up some of what the lady was saying. She was... speaking Russian? Seemed odd for this area of the world, but he knew some Russian, and was able to pick up... she was in distressed, not hostile. Too much. Also, there were guards who still had guns, and... they weren't getting involved?! He thought that was weird... SO getting involved with a sharp object was probably a bad idea... He set down the cup and looking at the situation. He started taking a few steps closer, ready to speak and maybe try to calm her down. It wasn't uncommon for people to get pushed to an extreme point and he wasn't innocent himself. But seeing as the girl knocked a guy two weight classes higher then her flat on his ass and he had the training to stop such a thing from happening, he stopped. Hunter was lighter then the guy, and most likely had less military experience. He had no plans to get his ass kicked into his throat today by a scary Russian lady.