[b][i]Life as the BatGirl[/i][/b] [sub][right]Issue # 2[/right][/sub] [hr] [indent][i]Gotham University Dorm - Crack of Dawn[/i][/indent] [hr] BEEP beep BEEP beep BEEP beep...came the most [i]annoying[/i] sound in the entire world at that moment. Barbara Gordon forced her eyes open but had to blink furiously to try and escape from the land of dreams and pillows. She resisted the urge to hit that ever beautiful snooze button and let the alarm ring out its wake up chorus. If she gave into temptation, it would just make it that much harder to get up for the day. [color=fff200]"Mornings after a night patrol, are the [i]worst[/i]."[/color] Barbara grumbled as she somehow managed to push herself out of her sweet, sweet bed. Gravity and morning head fog tried to bring her back down but she was the Batgirl! No matter the challenge or the opponent she was going to overcome it, or something...ya, no that was a stupid thought. She managed to crawl out and only then did she turn off the morning dread machine. Stumbling to the shared bathroom between her and her dorm neighbor she went over to the sink and gave herself a good splash of cold water. The frigid cold immediately cleared the fog from her head and soon she got a good look at the mirror. [color=fff200]"You look like crap Barbara, better get ready before anyone can notice."[/color] Barbara looked at her face, nasty black bags under her eyes, her hair had decided on a somewhat punk look with odd strands shooting all over the place, it was the typical face of a person who had only managed about three hours of sleep. She always felt accomplished after a night run but boy did she have to face the consequences in the morning. A quick shower, an intense hair brushing and blow drying session, and a some makeup application later, Barbara Gordon was transformed from the walking dead to the pride of the Gotham University gymnastics team. With a bright smile, radiant features, glossy red hair, and the poise of a champion Barbara was a proud athlete and tech savvy extraordinaire of Gotham-U. It was amazing what a little time, effort, and makeup could do for a person. First on the agenda was gymnastics practice, this was a very important part of the day as it helped stretch out her body, wake her up, and give her that needed exercise to keep in tip-top shape. Gymnastics was one of the extra-curricular activities that she had always tried to keep a spot in her schedule, the acrobatics were very important for making sure she was ready for some Batgirl action at any time. Often times she would be scouted because of her skill but while the potential at gaining medals was appealing if she wanted to make an actual difference in the world she had to decline least her precious time as Batgirl be taken away. She wasn't able to go out that much as it was with all the other things she had to keep up on. After that were classes, social engagements, lunch, studying, and so on that went on at University. It was a busy hectic life for Barbara Gordon and this was just the start of the day. After her morning was over it was on to the GCPD for her internship. Due to her school life she only had time for three days a week where she went to the GCPD, today being one of them, but first she had to drop by the alleyway where the murder had happened to retrieve her bug and search for evidence. This of course added quite an extra leg to her trip so she had to be quick and efficient. [hr] [indent][i]GCPD - Afternoon[/i][/indent] [hr] With the side trip done it was off to the Police Department to help soothe their weary computer woes. All the new equipment was an absolute nightmare for the older members so having a young one with incredible tech experience was an absolute god sent for them. The department had to keep up with the times but cranky old men didn't change very well with them. While she enjoyed her work one of the main reasons she was here was for the easy access to police records and labs. Of course she had to be very careful to avoid being caught when she did; thankfully, her computer skills were up there with the best hackers so it wasn't too much of a problem when you had insider access. Soon enough Barbara had gotten into the network and was busy going over the forensics of the case. The lab techs had done a very good job, everything from the type of knife used, the time of death down to a few minutes, even what the man had been eating that night. Well interesting or just downright useless, Barbara was seeing if there was something that could have easily been overlooked, a seemingly insignificant thing that could be a clue. The problem was Barbara wasn’t sure what exactly she was looking for, if it had been anything electronic it would be a snap but CSI work was a little outside her expertise. She was taking a closer look at some of the items of the case when she heard someone approaching the room. Well she could potentially bluff her way out, as a simple techie she really wasn’t supposed to be in there so Barbara quickly hid herself. In walked in Detective Ellen Yin, the young Asian woman had only recently transferred over to the GCPD from Metropolis. Barbara had briefly talked with her before but never for long as Yin was always quite busy with her work. “Strange, I thought no one was using this room until later, guess someone wanted an early start like me. Well that just makes things quicker for me.” Yin commented as she sat down at the computer Barbara had been using earlier. “Whoever was looking at the evidence last had some interesting ideas; maybe there is something that was overlooked.” Yin poured over the information while Barbara tried desperately to not make any sounds or movements from her hiding spot at the back of the lab. Yin’s eyes narrowed as something caught her attention, “Could it be?” Yin zoomed in on something and then brought up a tab to do a quick search while Barbara tried not to let her curiosity get the better of her. “It’s only a hunch though so I can’t be sure, I’ll do a preliminary check and if it pans out I can get the rest of the department behind me.” Yin quickly closed everything and headed out. Barbara waited until she was certain before slinking back into the open. She went back over to the computer and quickly brought back up everything that Yin had been looked at before. At first Barbara wasn’t sure what to make of it but then the pieces started clicking together. [color=fff200]“I suppose that’s a real detective for ya. Guess I’ll be working overtime, oh boy tomorrow is gonna be rough.”[/color] Barbara made sure to leave no evidence she had been in the lab and then left. She had a detective to tail. The last image on the screen before it was shut down was that of a small pink button with what appeared to be two small letters, initials, but the button was too old and scratched to make it out…