[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/416660156986818573/560978070614442004/Fighting_King_banner_Final.png[/img][/center] I should preface this by saying that this is still a rough idea and just a moment of inspiration that hit me early this morning as I was daydreaming. I don't know if I could get around to starting up this game for sure, and definitely not without some strong interest. It would be a pretty casual and lax game as far as how I ran it due to other priorities in life right now. That said, without further ado... Any fans out there of old school arcade beat'em ups, like Final Fight, Double Dragon, or Turtles in Time? What about classic fighting games Fatal Fury, King of Fighters, or (and let's be real here, the actual king of fighters) Street Fighter? This game is meant to be a throwback to those classics that have become so few and far between in the video gaming market. It would run in two distinct phases: crowd battles, in which you fight waves of enemies as you progress to a goal, and ring battles (may or may not include an actual ring) in which you face down someone else who is a trained fighter of your caliber. Obviously these are meant to evoke the two types of games. As for character options, I want to go full on balls to the wall with this. Want a normal (albeit skilled) street punk with nothing but his fists and his wits? Go for it. A trained operative that integrates technology into their fighting style, a la C. Viper's taser gloves? It's all you. A chi based fighter, throwing out hadoukens and sonic booms? Obviously. What about the undead? A full on cyborg or android? Psychic powers? Magic powers? Yes, yes, yes, and yes, so long as they're low-key enough and mostly operate to enhance your fighting style. So any questions? Who's interested?