Thaddeus suspected that the Kruth were preparing for something. It was unlikely the Godless Kruth would turn their swords into plowshares, an invasion was more likely. But it was not his place to predict the future. God was what laid out the path, and his commanders were the ones who were to read the parchments of things to unfold. His duty was to kill those who stood up to God's light. A few hours later the transport finally got to the rendezvous point. The blistering sunlight made a few of the rookies recoil from the sudden brightness, but Thaddeus was unaffected as were a few other veterans that were on the transport. All of God's creations were beautiful, it was man that corrupted and besmirched it. Oceans were polluted, verdant forests were chopped down, plains were littered with the corpses of the dead because of man. The sun was perhaps the one thing that man did not defile yet, and for that Thaddeus was thankful. He looked around the camp they landed on and saw Gazere and Talon alike intermingling, some discussing battle plans, some helping each other unload mechs that were coming in, and others simply chatting and showing interest in the other's culture. Colonel Gaunt hated seeing the humanity in other nations. It was simply much easier to see every other nation as Godless heathens instead of actual people with their own struggles and lives. It made killing them much easier when they were faceless pilots in machines of war. Thaddeus made no effort in knowing his Gazere comrades, for he was confident in a few years time they would be making war with each other to continue the purification of the unclean. Thaddeus saw a Gazere soldier, perhaps a lieutenant pass by and she asked him a question. "You there! Where can I find the commander of this encampment?"