[@Crusader Lord] [color=39b54a][h1][center]Maria Falena[/center][/h1][/color] Maria was quickly looking over the mech and the damages that was done to it, From what she could see it was heavily damaged and it looked like their was a hell of alot of damages done. Using the scanning function of her mech, She could tell who ever was piloting this mech was though hell. Investigating further she could see the fight lasted what seemed like a hour and a half or so, Afterwards the pilot was overwhelmed or outsmarted and was taken out. Hearing the female voice of her comrade asking her a question, "Nothing yet" She said into the comms. Moving her mech a bit closer towards the destroyed mech, Using the search lights of her mech to check if the pilot was still inside. Unfortunately she could see the dead pilot inside making her cover her mouth to stop herself form both screaming and puking.