[Center=Dead Center][Color=MediumPurple][h1]Matina[/h1][/color][/center] Matina perked up as April brought up dancing with Ursula, which was something she had wanted to do for awhile. Leaning over the counter, she waved her arm in the air excitedly while grinning, resonding with, [Color=MediumPurple]"Oo, oo! I bite! If that's what you are into!"[/color] Kind of oblivious to the fact that April had meant it in a different way. Her sights set on a new task, Matina barely noticed Randall walking in and the passive aggressive comment thrown her way as she moved around the counter and towards Ursula confidently, calling out towards Jakob, [Color=MediumPurple]"Play somethin' for us, Piano Man!"[/color] stopping in front of the young woman and holding out her hand. [Color=MediumPurple]"If you dance with me, I'll buy you a muffin,"[/color] she offered, smiling.