[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c6/fc/2c/c6fc2c165498a2f39b420b1e75aa2017.png[/img] [hr][color=EBE957][h3]Lord Edwyn Landry[/h3][/color][b]head of the [/b][color=EBE957][b]House Landry[/b][/color][/center] [center]Male [b]| |[/b] 39 [b]| |[/b] Riverman[/center] [hr] [color=EBE957][b]Birthplace:[/b][/color] Fallow Hill [color=EBE957][b]Allegiances:[/b][/color] House Landry, House Tully [color=EBE957][b]Occupation:[/b][/color] Noble [color=EBE957][b]Relationship Status:[/b][/color] Married [color=EBE957][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color] Heterosexual [color=EBE957][b]Religion:[/b][/color] Faith of the Seven [hr][color=FFFFFF][h2]History[/h2][/color] [hider]As the second son of Lothor Landry, Edwyn was trained for war from a young age in hopes of one day becoming a great knight. His elder brother, Willam, a good and honourable lad, had been groomed from birth to be the next lord of Fallow Hill, so it was never Edwyn's intention, nor his desire, to take up the role. The farmlands bored him, the politics bored him, and he wanted for nothing but to see the Seven Kingdoms, and to bring honour to his family name. From his mid-teens he spent several years as a squire for Lord Ryger of Willow Wood. There, he became close to Priscilla, a daughter of Lord Ryger, who he was eventually made to wed, aged eighteen. The two returned to Fallow Hill a year later with newborn twins. By his twenties, Edwyn was a well-thought of knight, and fought valiantly for his house and House Tully on multiple occassions. However, expectations of him drastically shifted when his brother, Willam, was fatally wounded in a joust. The duty now fell to Edwyn to one day follow in the footsteps of his father, who was now in his late fifties. During his shift into adulthood, Edwyn found these expectations damaging to his mental health, becoming more and more closed off as he aged, distancing himself from the rest of his family, Priscilla included, at times. When Lord Hoster Tully called his banners in the early stages of Robert's Rebellion to aid the rebels, House Landry heeded the call immediately, with both Lord Lothor and Edwyn riding out from Fallow Hill. In the Battle of the Bells, Edwyn narrowly survived death with the help of a fierce Northener, Baldric Durant. The two forged a great friendship, and fought in several other skirmishes and battles together. Edwyn eventually participated in the Battle of the Trident, which ultimately determined the outcome of the war. During the battle, Edwyn's father was killed by Targaryen bannermen. With no time to mourn, Edwyn took Valleysong, the House's ancestral blade, from Lothor's body, and assumed command of House Landry's forces. When Edwyn next returned to Fallow Hill, he was a Lord. He took charge well, an commanded respect from his people. He installed Baldric as his master-at-arms, and focused on maintaining the wellbeing of the land. One of the major hurdles Edwyn faced as lord during his first years was the troublesome neighbouring family, House Haigh, of Deepbank. The Landrys and Haighs had always hated eachother - the Haighs saw the Landrys as arrogant pricks, and the Landrys saw the Haighs as jealous fools. No Haigh was more intolerable than Lord Walker Haigh, who stopped at nothing to step on Edwyn's toes whenever he could. Needless to say, Edwyn, for the most part, shrugged off the other Lord's childishness, remaining focused on his lordly duties. Now, many years and several children later, Edwyn is in his middle-age, and has watched over a truly fruitful summer for his land. After the recent disappearance of his eldest son, however, and the growing pressure from the west, Edwyn has no time for celebration. [/hider] [hr][color=FFFFFF][h2]Personality[/h2][/color] [hider]Edwyn has always been a closed book. Cold, quiet, and reclusive, it is a rare occassion that he ever shows the slightest hint of emotional fragility. Whilst many describe him as stoic and brave, some, particularly his family, find his neutrality difficult to deal with. He was born to be a soldier, and a leader of men, and, as such, is renowned as one of the great Lords of the Riverlands, but the role of a father and husband do not come so naturally to him. He loves all of his children dearly, but is rarely openly affectionate, with a simple "well done" being significantly gratifying for most of them. Strict, but justly fair, Edwyn has never inflicted an undeserved punishment - to his children, nor his people. His confidence and duty to play his role as a diplomat are often decieving, as he is very much so an introvert. He spends most of his days reading, dealing with Lordly duties, or hunting, leaving little time for his wife, with whom he has become estranged in years gone by. Their relationship is far more complex than 'fallen out of love', however, as is to be expected from a character such as Edwyn. One trait of Edwyn that remains ever-stalwart is his value of honour. He believes in fairness, and his word is bond. Since birth, he was taught about loyalty and it's importance, and now, as a father, echoes those teachings unto his own children. He has never bedded another woman since marriage, nor acted dishonourbly in war, and, as such, is one of the most respected Lords in the Riverlands.[/hider] [hr][color=FFFFFF][h2]Appearance[/h2][/color] [hider]Edwyn has a striking, classically handsome appearance, with short, ruffled brunet hair. He looks well for his age, though he typically wears a stony frown that emphasizes the wrinkles and scars on his skin, and his dark brown beard is speckled with flecks of grey. His hazel eyes can seem either brown or green depending on the lighting, and they seem to have a fire about them when he is impassioned or angry. He stands at a reasonable 5'11, and has a healthy, broad-shouldered shape, perhaps a little stronger than the average Lord. Even when in the comfort of his own home, Edwyn tends to wear fairly practical clothing, such as light leather, as is his nature to move and be active. A former soldier, it is not uncommon to see him in armour, especially outside of the keep. He is rarely ever seen in public without Valleysong, the ancestral sword of House Landry, at his hip. He wears no jewlery, and cares little for material possessions.[/hider] [hr][color=FFFFFF][h2]Notable Possessions[/h2][/color] [hider][list][*][b][url=https://bushido.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/WEAP2333-PP-Long-Sword.jpg]Valleysong[/url][/b], a valyrian steel longsword that has been traditionally carried by the Lord of House Landry for over 400 years. [*][b][url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/79/de/a7/79dea7096a391bcdda2d1646f8994ef7.jpg]Redemption[/url][/b], a white destrier, his personal steed.[/list][/hider] [hr] [hider=Edwyn's Relationships][center][hider=Key]⚜ Respects ||| ☯ Neutral ||| ☮ Friends ||| ♫ Close Friends ||| § Tense ||| ♥ Interested ||| ⚤ Significant Other ||| ☠ Enemies ||| ♦ Unsure[/hider] [color=026aff]⚤§[b]Priscilla Landry[/b]§⚤[/color] Once teenage sweethearts, now fallen out of love? It is not as simple as that, mostly due to Edwyn's complex nature. He still cares dearly for his wife, but has struggled with life as a lord, a father, and a husband. He often shuts himself off from Priscilla, and unintentionally neglects her personal needs, which has left her estranged from him. For the good of the family, the two put on a convincing show as star-crossed lovers, but behind closed doors, their partnership is often quiet and tense. [color=73c6b6]☮[b]Ariella Landry[/b]☮[/color] Edwyn has a unique bond with his only daughter. Intent on all of his sons being sturdy and emotionally strong, he seldom shows them his softer side, but to Ariella, he occasionally speaks unguarded. Ariella perhaps understands her father as well as anyone could, and for that, he values her greatly. He loves all of his children equally, but finds that his daughter shares the most in common with him out of them all. Part of him is secretly gladdened that her marriage did not work out, as he sees her as an important personal advisor. [color=AED6F1]⚜[b]Morgain Landry[/b]⚜[/color] Edwyn was incredibly proud of the man Morgain was becoming, but still never had a truly strong father-son bond with his eldest boy. He did not solely see him as a student and successor, but that was how he treated him most often. He only wanted the best for his boy, and thus, sought to fully prepare him for lordship. Edwyn misses him dearly, but would be incredibly disappointed if he found Morgain ran away from his duties. [color=Coral]⚜§[b]Edmund Landry[/b]§⚜[/color] Much like Morgain, Edmund has more of a student and successor relationship with Edwyn than a close family bond. The two have stood beside eachother on the battlefield, and have a bond in that regard, but there is still an awkwardness that leaves room for resentment from Edmund. Before Morgain's disappearance, Edwyn pushed Edmund to his limits to become the best warrior possible. Everything he has done, though, he has done thinking it best for Edmund. ⚜[b]Willam Landry[/b]⚜ Edwyn is proud of Will for his eagerness to branch out and develop as a fighter. Will's time away has not affected their relationship much, and he always gets a hug and a ruffle-of-the-hair when he returns home, before Edwyn quickly retreats back into his distant, observant persona. Will does not hold any resentment for his father, and respects his role in the family. [color=7FFFD4]⚜[b]Ashton Landry[/b]⚜[/color] As with his other sons, Edwyn wishes to mould Ashton into a strong and stable man, and, as such, is often strict and unemotional towards him. However, Edwyn sees Ashton as wise beyond his years and believes in his ability greatly. He believes Ashton's future to be bright, but sees some weakness in the boy that still must be rooted out. [color=00a651]⚜♫[b]Ser Baldric Durant[/b]♫⚜[/color] Baldy is probably the best friend Edwyn has, as the two have seen a great deal together. Edwyn values and respects Baldric, and sees him as a brother on the battlefield. Whilst normally highly strung and calm, Edwyn is relaxed and lighthearted around Baldric, and the two have had plenty of good laughs together. He trusts him with the life of his own children. [color=f6989d]☯[b]Liliana Blackwood[/b]☯[/color] Edwyn had met Liliana briefly before she moved to Fallow Hill, and he suggested her betrothal to Edmund himself. He sees her as a charismatic, bright young girl who would make a fine partner to his son, likely balancing out Edmund's more rash and rough side. That being said, the two do not have a personal relationship, and have only exchanged a handful of words. [color=FF4444]☮[b]Robert Rivers[/b]☮[/color] Edwyn takes on the role of an uncle of sorts to Robert, watching from afar to make sure that he is safe and well. He is not as strict to the lad as he is to his own children, as, in his eyes, Robert has less to live up to. Because of this, the two have a more casual relationship and have had numerous conversations over the years when out hunting. [/center][/hider]