[center][@Apoalo], [color=lime]Alive[/color] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/b03d6008087efb134ab46a59fb1eb1e4949e97ac/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f6c43555656594479635074724a673d3d2d34352e313536656334646237346637363439613235343831343734383735352e6a7067?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img] [hr][color=#7FFFD4][h3]Ashton 'Ash' Landry[/h3][/color][b]of the [/b][color=#EBE957][b]House Landry[/b][/color][/center] [center]Male [b]| |[/b] 14 [b]| |[/b] Riverman[/center] [hr] [b][color=#7FFFD4]Aliases:[/color][/b] Ash [b][color=#7FFFD4]Birth Place:[/color][/b] Fallow Hill [b][color=#7FFFD4]Education:[/color][/b] Standard Maester Tutelage [b][color=#7FFFD4]Occupation:[/color][/b] Squire, Noble [b][color=#7FFFD4]Languages:[/color][/b] Westerosi (Fluent) [hr][hr][hider=Ash Landry][h3][b][i][color=#7FFFD4][center]Appearance[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=#7FFFD4]Height:[/color][/b] 6'0" [b][color=#7FFFD4]Weight:[/color][/b] 154lbs [b][color=#7FFFD4]Body Type:[/color][/b] Swimmers build, thin yet wiry. Broadening shoulders, but just barely. [b][color=#7FFFD4]Eye Color:[/color][/b] Aquamarine [b][color=#7FFFD4]Hair Color:[/color][/b] Dark Brown, with Lighter brown strands [b][color=#7FFFD4]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] Tanned skin from spending so much time outside in the sun training. [b][color=#7FFFD4]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b] Scar over his right hip from a childhood accident. Looks like a clean cut, usually hidden [b][color=#7FFFD4]Personal Style:[/color][/b] Ash is normally seen in a simple outfit, a simple white undershirt, usually collared which sits under a leather dueling jerkin that falls to about thigh level. The jerkin has three ties to keep it together and a matching leather belt goes around the waist. On his right shoulder is the Landry House sigil. A sword, custom built for his size is often on his left hip, in a hardened leather scabbard. The sigil of the house is engraved into both the hilt and scabbard. A matching dagger and dagger scabbard is on his right hip. For Armor, Ashton wears a heavy plate breastplate, shoulder plates, and gauntlets. Underneath is a chain mail hauberk that reaches to his ankle. Over top of the breastplate is a sur-coat with the House Landry sigil and colors visible. Clasped to his pauldrons a yellow cloak completes the armor set, also emblazoned with the sigil of House Landry. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c4/59/26/c459260600fc06037958fe417e9a1702.jpg]For armor, think this with appropriate color changes.[/url] [hr][hr] [h3][b][i][color=#7FFFD4][center]Psychology[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][center]Intelligent * Adaptable * Loyal * Perceptive * Perfectionist * Bold * Anxious * Fixated[/center][/i] [b][color=#7FFFD4]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Heterosexual [b][color=#7FFFD4]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] None [b][color=#7FFFD4]Personality:[/color][/b] Ashton is an interesting enigma of a teenager. He's filled with the classic Teenage angst and attitude yet he tempers it with an intelligence beyond his years. Always willing to learn something new, the boy has a knack for staring and absorbing various activities should he ever have to do the task himself. A firm believer in knowledge being ones best weapon Ash spends a lot of time reading, and shows a maturity beyond his years as he understands how the 'game' is played and what the risks of his words. He has struggled with anxiety for some time and as it goes against his nature of being the 'perfect' son he started training in the practice field with sword and shield when not in the library. Ash developed a style of his own with Baldric, the Master of Arms, whom he opened to about his struggles. He developed this style by watching countless practice bouts in the yard of Fallow Hill, and it relies on using his opponents attacks against them, feinting and outsmarting his opponents into making mistakes that he can capitalize on. Like with his other activities it's his 'true sight' that allows him to perform with this style so well, able to truly observe every move his opponent is making and foresee their next moves based on previous information. The result is a very defensive and very calculating game of cat and mouse, that is until Ashton figures out his opponents fighting style. At that point it's usually to late. All in all Ashton is a teenager in the midst of many changes. He's dealing with trying to keep his family supported, and to perfect his own duties which he's still trying to figure out. He's a mess of anxiousness, tempered by a Master-At-Arms who has taught the young man to forge that anxiety instead into positive energy and to attack the world with boldness instead. You never know what to truly expect from him when you pass him in the hall and even though he's mature for his age he will still break down when he feels overwhelmed and required a sincere support system. He may hate it, and will never show said weakness unless he trusts the person unconditionally. [b][color=#7FFFD4]Habits:[/color][/b] [list][*]Taps his foot when he gets bored or nervous [*]Messes with his hair right above his left ear unconsciously[/list] [b][color=#7FFFD4]Hobbies:[/color][/b] [list][*] Practicing his swordplay [*] Swimming [*] Running [*] Sleeping [*] Reading [*] Music[/list] [b][color=#7FFFD4]Fears:[/color][/b][list][*] Letting his family down [*] Being Helpless [*] Losing his chance to be a Knight [*] Fully and completely trusting someone[/list] [b][color=#7FFFD4]Likes:[/color][/b] [list][*] Books and learning [*] Training [*] Running in the Morning when the world starts waking up [*] Meeting new people [*] Tea [*] Spending time writing music [*] Tournaments[/list] [b][color=#7FFFD4]Dislikes:[/color][/b] [list][*] Bullies of any kind [*] Jerks who treat woman or girls with disrespect [*] Heights [*] The Cold [*] Not a huge fan of Dogs [*] Being called the little otter [*] Any mention of his younger age[/list] [hr][hr] [h3][b][i][color=#7FFFD4][center]Skills[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=#7FFFD4]General Skills:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Reading/Writing [*] Powerful Swimmer [*] Photographic memory [*] Musically Gifted [*] very high IQ that allows him to process information quickly [/list] [b][color=#7FFFD4]Combat Skills:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Is quite proficient with the Blade [*] Has a talent for strategy and calculating large numbers quickly [*] Works well with other nobles, isn't afraid to take the backseat to achieve victory [/list] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/303802520/large.jpg[/img][/center] [h3][b][color=#7FFFD4][center][i]History[/i][/center][/color][/b][/h3] [b][color=#7FFFD4]History:[/color][/b] Born amidst a dreary and rainy autumn day, Ashton Landry was a ray of sunshine to the otherwise dreary year that had passed for House Landry. The fourth born child to Edwyn, and Priscilla Landry. He was raised in the Halls of his family and grew up rather happily and led a relatively normal life, despite being a little spoiled by the servants who loved the youngest child dearly, even giving him the nickname 'little otter' which he despises to this day. Most of his early childhood included swimming, school, exercises, and sleeping. But when he was eight the Maester that was attached to Fallow Hill felt that he would do better learning from more advanced lessons as the child was grasping and understanding lessons at a rapid fire pace. Tutors were called for and Ash found himself learning about just about every aspect of the world around him, including his place within it. As the fourth born child, it was highly unlikely that he would ever become heir to the House and as such his training was mostly catered to supporting his older siblings. Ashton flourished in the more stressful learning atmosphere, impressing his teachers with his desire to soak in information. He was found to have an exceptional memory when he was able to tell the Maester, who he was schooling with, exactly how many paintings were in the Great Hall and Library, as well as what the pictures were. With this revelation he was hailed as a sure candidate for the Citadel Ashton quickly showed his feelings about being moved from his home and became a bit more rebellious, retreating from the public eye and only appearing to eat, or cause trouble. He spent much more time in the training ground with Baldric Durant, where he developed his own style of fighting, using his brain more than his brawn. He enjoyed a connection with Baldric, and the man was his go to for advice on how to navigate his swirling personality, and always strived to perform his best when the man was around. He also became a charmer in the halls of Fallow Hill, doing his best to make the young ladies who visited go crazy and go home thinking of the brown haired boy in the Riverlands who stole their heart. Nothing ever came of these games however and as Ashton entered his teenage years and puberty, he was still not promised to any marriage alliance. A much more silent figure in his early teenage years, the lack of a real friend his age made him all the more bookish as he would spend every waking moment reading or training. He's decided that now is the time to try and find others his age and develop some bonds of friendship, as it was never good to live a life of solitude. [b][color=#7FFFD4]Thoughts on the current situation of the realm:[/color][/b] Ashton feels that the entire seven Kingdoms are about to enter a period of warfare unlike anything seen since Robert's Rebellion and he knows that the Riverlands will be as always, stuck in the middle. [hr][hr] [h3][b][color=#7FFFD4][center][i]Additional Information[/i][/center][/color][/b][/h3] [b][color=#7FFFD4]Mount:[/color][/b] [url=https://images.reference.com/reference-production-images/question/aq/thoroughbred-horses_ec1ff51082d23be2.jpg?width=760&height=411&fit=crop]Current[/url] [b][color=#7FFFD4]Theme Song:[/color][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Xrxj0PxqOA]Collide[/url] & [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dS5GfL9F7L4]King[/url] [b][color=#7FFFD4]Character Text Color:[/color][/b] color=#7FFFD4[/hider][hr][hr] [hider=Ashton's Relationships][center][hider=Key]⚜ Respects ||| ☯ Neutral ||| ☮ Friends ||| ♫ Close Friends ||| § Tense ||| ♥ Interested ||| ⚤ Significant Other ||| ☠ Enemies ||| ♦ Unsure[/hider] [color=EBE957]⚜/§[b]Edwyn Landry[/b]§/⚜[/color] As Ashton’s father, Edwyn holds a special place in the young man’s heart and mind. He loves the man, and can understand a bit of his mannerisms. He holds no ill will for the more aloof standing of raising that Edwyn has done but as such doesn’t count him as one who has shaped his younger years. Ashton usually sides with his mother as well, and has recently had a habit of rejecting all potential Knights that have seeken to taken the rather skilled Landry boy on as a squire. This has put a bit of strain on the already rough relationship. Secretly, Ash wants to hear the praise from the man and -does- want to make him proud, which has attributed to his perfectionist attitude. [color=#26aaff]☮[b]Priscilla Landry[/b]☮[/color] Ashton’s mother, Priscilla is a figure whom Ashton cares for deeply. He knows he loves her but he also feels like he had to be his best when he’s around her. He’s the baby of the family and he tries to retain a relationship with his mother and goes out of his way to make sure she’s having a good day. He leans towards her side on many things when it comes to Edwyn but more than anything just tries to let her know that everyone appreciates what she does for them and the House as a whole. She’s one of the three primary female influences on his life. [color=#73c6b6]♫/⚜[b]Ariella Landry[/b]⚜/♫[/color] One of Ashton’s best friends at Fallow Hill happens to be his big sister Ella. Ashton loves her dearly and holds her closer than most of his brothers. She’s the one with whom he can let down his guard and who he runs to when he feels overwhelmed, as she understands and doesn’t judge. She has been a huge influence on his life and when she left to marry it was truly a hard time for the youngest Landry. It’s hard for him to imagine where he would be without Ella and counts her as a secondary mother figure instead of just a sister. [color=AED6F1]☮[b]Morgain Landry[/b]☮[/color] Morgain was always a lot like father, a figure that was easily respected and looked upon as an idol by Ashton. He was surprised when the heir took such an interest in his youngest brother and the long, deep conversations are still some of the fondest memories Ashton has of his oldest brother. Morgain was easier to talk to and much easier to attach himself to and for that fact became Ash’s de facto father figure when Edwyn stuck to the shadows. Ash counts a lot of his current personality to be shaped by Morgain and wishes to see him return greatly. [color=coral]♫/⚜[b]Edmund Landry[/b]⚜/♫[/color] The loss of Morgain was hard on Ashton, as he had basically lost the primary male role model of his life. He drifted a bit in depression but Edmund was his saving grace. His second oldest brother didn’t give Ash a chance to wallow and if anything stepped into the shoes of role model with perfection. He did it better than even Morgain, taking Ash on hunts and training with him constantly after Ash started working in the training yard that is. A true bond is between them and Ash would do -anything- Edmund asked of him, regardless of what it was. He knows that the newly Knighted young man is protective of him as well and while that would usually frustrate Ashton to no end, with Edmund he appreciates it and returns the favor. [color=FFFFFF]☮/§[b]Willam Landry[/b]☮/§[/color] The only sibling with which Ashton has a more tense relationship with. Wil and Ash were natural rivals growing up as they were quite close in age. This was compounded by the fact that Ashton seemed to grasp things faster than Wil and Ash -never- stopped rubbing it in the other boys face. Deep down the games were just that, and Ash has a sincere love of his brother which he has let be known as well. He helped tutor Wil in subject where he struggled and while the two of them always played pranks on each -other- when they joined forced they were a holy terror that no one was safe from. Willam was the only real child Ashton’s age and when he left for the Vale, it left Ash feeling quite alone. The two are much closer now that there isn’t constant competition but the tense atmosphere returns when Wil comes home and tries to spar. [color=#00a651]⚜[b]Baldric Durant[/b]⚜[/color] Ser Baldric has been a constant imposing figure in Ashton’s life, ever since he was a young boy. He spent most of his early childhood away from the man as he didn’t really understand him. As he’s reached adolescence however he’s come to see Baldric in a new light. He respects the warrior and the man's understanding of true battle and technically owes Baldric his own life since if it wasn’t for the northerner, Edwyn would probably have died and Ash may not exist. Beyond that, Ashton entered a rather dark time in his life with anxiety and it was Baldric that ‘saved’ him. Ash had entered the training ground like a wounded puppy and had opened up to the hard but fair man. Baldric taught Ash to hone his anxiety into a strength instead of a weakness and the boldness that Ashton can have at times is a testament to the Master-At-Arm’s teachings. [color=#f6989d]☯[b]Liliana Blackwood[/b]☯[/color] Ashton doesn’t really know a whole lot about the Blackwood other than that she’s to be family. He’s polite and pleasant to her, though he has introduced her to the pranks that he plays and gets away with due to being the baby of the family. He finds her to be quite an enjoyable personality and is looking forward to getting to know her more in the future. She does get extra points for having to deal with Edmund. [color=FFFFFF]⚜[b]Mace Snow[/b]⚜[/color] As the best friend to Edmund, Ash has trained with and had quite a few discussions with Mace. While not really friends due to the age age, Ashton appreciates how close Mace and Edmund are and it’s been a way of proving that a noble didn’t have to only be friends with other nobles. He’s tailored his own friendship with Axell Deddings in the same way as Edmund has with Mace. [color=#Ff4444]☯[b]Robert Rivers[/b]☯[/color] Ash doesn’t know Robert very much at all but has heard all of the stories surrounding the riverlands bastard. A true talent with the bow, and an exceptional Ranger, and of course the story of 12 year old Robert saving Edwyn from a boar. He has no reason to distrust the man and as such just gives him the respect he is due and that’s that. He appreciates the loyalty shown to his family. However, with all of that being said he doesn’t trust the man entirely and actually has a sincere dislike of how easily he seems to speak to his father. Jealousy at its finest. [color=FFFFFF]♫[b]Axell Deddings[/b]♫[/color] When Willam left for the Vale it left a hole in Ash’s social life. Wil was -much- better at talking to people and Ash always felt awkward when trying to make new friends or even speak to someone his own age. The only exception to this rule is Axell, who had always been a companion to the young Landry. Axell graduated from companion to best friend with Wil’s departure and Ash has grown rather close to the red headed boy. Axell covers his weaknesses and helps him ‘fit in’ with others. [/center][/hider]