[h2][b][center]Noel[/center][/b][/h2] "Oh, do you now? And I suppose your spy sphere devices cannot show me who is responsible?" That question went unanswered for the time being, the Emperor had a longer explanation that needed to be given to the group as a whole. Of course, there's no way it would be that simple. If it were, Noel could have probably tracked the culprit himself by now. The Emperor got him to stop, sure enough, but Noel remained unmoved. He'd listen to whatever purpose this War Council had, but it was clear that he was not making any promises yet. The actual explanation itself was long, and most of it sounded like it had little if anything to do with Noel and the missing Masks. He failed to see how they fit into all of this. Perhaps if this Leo simply wanted a means to empower some of his followers, but that wasn't made very clear. It also seemed rather unrealistic that someone as powerful as Leo would bother going to the trouble of going to someone else's world line just to steal a collection of masks. Why not steal some of the considerable magitek firepower the Global Police possessed? No, something told Noel that this was personal. But he had no idea how. "I don't know anything about Heartless, Nobodies, or Princesses. I still don't see what any of this has to do with me..." he said, appearing to protest again, but added, "...but whatever you've heard or been told about those masks, know this: They're dangerous, every single one of them. Even Arsene was supposedly reluctant to use any of them unless someone forced his hand. Any fool that tries to put one on thinking it'll grant them superpowers will just end up being a danger to himself and those around him. Better they stay locked safely away where they can't be used or abused by anyone. So if these so-called Seekers possess the masks somehow, then I guess I'm obligated to partake in this madness if it means I can steal them back. Besides, it's not just the Masks I'm looking for." he didn't elaborate on the last part, preferring not to tip his hand. Whether he liked it or not, thieving was in Noel's blood, and with that came an almost innate distrust or apprehensiveness of authority of any kind. [h2][b][center]Ace[/center][/b][/h2] "I said to identify yourself!" Ace ordered, repeating himself when the stranger said nothing at first. They took a step toward him, and then another. Soon they were practically pressed against the muzzle of the Hyperion. Only then did the stranger finally say anything. "I come in peace, officer." a feminine voice, it was a woman, "No need for such crude violence. I merely wish to help the Sword of Justice to strike true." she said, and although her face was completely obscured by her hood Ace could swear she was smiling and winking at him under there, "The criminal you seek, I know where you may find him." That got Ace's attention, "Then where did you see him go? Tell me, quickly!" "He's gone I'm afraid, Officer. He's left this world behind." Ace gave a confused look, "What's that supposed to mean? Stop playing games, if you know where Lupin is then where is he?" "But I did tell you." she held up her hand, waggling her finger, "He's left this world behind, and you as well. As you are now you'll never be able to catch up to him." Ace's blood began to boil and he raised his voice, changing his tone, "The hell I can't! Now stop screwing around, and TELL ME WHERE HE IS!" he fired his weapon, a warning shot, as a sign that he was losing his patience. "Temper temper, Officer DeLeon." replied the stranger, unfazed by the warning shot and by his anger, "You wouldn't want to be charged with police brutality would you? As I said, you can't catch up to your quarry as you are now... but I can help you change that." Ace put his weapon away back into the Arms Changer, but his expression never changed, "Then start talking." From under her hood, the stranger smiled.