[center][img]https://game-neon.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/PromoArt_A_011horizontal_1024h-1024x724.jpg[/img] [b][i]What is the difference between cult and religion?[/i][/b][/center] That is a question that is vauge and difficult to respond to but in this world where the 1% live in ivory towers while implants in the poor make them live meaningless exsistances just for the sake of living. The endless torture of living without meaning, without purpose, without a reason to even take a breath. This is the world that needs a true leader one that will bring light into the these neon streets. For he is [b][i]The Prophet[/i][/b] When he came we were freed from the implants that bound us to endless servitude and saw him as our messiah. For he has given us a reason to live and we shall fight for him, we shall die for him, and we shall kill for him. Long live [b][i]The prophet!!![/i][/b] [s] [/s] Hope that caught your attention :) you see one day i found myself playing a game call re:legion. A game about a cybperpunk universe where the world was controlled by the 1 percent who implanted the nobodies into living lives of depravity and momentary pleasure. This character known as the prophet freed them and as such became, well, the prohpet. Creating a cult in a cybperpunk world. The idea was incredibly interesting but the delievery left a lot to be desired. So I wanted to see if we could turn the idea into an rp Now the prohet will rarely appear himself as he needs to "spread the good word" and free others from slavery. We are his apostles, commanders, regants, whatever you want to call us. We are the ones that found him before he became the prophet and know who he truly is. Yet we became cult leaders because we wanted to take down the 1% right now this is just an interest check to see who would want in on this unique idea. If enough people are interested ill make an rp thread and we can see about spreading the cults influence BWAHAHAHAHA!