Well, that was a disappointment. Umi's attempt at blowing Katsuo's dome off (in a very friendly and non-murder way!) ended in a very sad failure. While she intentionally blocked out the long winded questions and answers this time around (rather than just braining out), she did gleam some useful information. Magic was power to move people and everyone had magic stewin' in their guts. Really, it sounded like magic power was just an allegory for chalupa night. Chalupa night being when Umi had the power to move people out of the room with what was stewin' in her guts. Like any other teen, she grabbled her phone the second it went off. Of course, she didn't answer it like any normal human. No, that would be much too... intelligent. Instead, she struck a pose with absolute confidence. She rapidly extracted her phone from her pocket, swinging it out with enough force to destroy a thin paper wall. Leading into her second pose, she slowly moved the phone in an arc around her head. [color=94DBEB][b]"Notification..."[/b][/color] she said, with enough enthusiasm that would have made one think she was transforming in her own personal sentai show, [color=94DBEB][b]"GO!"[/b][/color]. With the sudden exclamation of go, she flipped her phone open, reading the notification out of the corner of her eye.