"Fuck. Okay, " She sighed as she stopped watching what the hell was unfolding in front of her and concentrated on her job. She had been waiting for too long and she got orders, whether she heard them or not, she had to do it. She took a deep breath and told her AI her instructions, "Okay, Covenant, let's go. Mark targets as I dictate them, " And thean she started dictating the targets, specifically telling the computers to target and lock on the guns of the ships and on other enemy threats. She calculated that with her smart rounds, she could take care of them with little worry of a misfire or missing the targets. Afterward, she thought that after using the smart rounds, she could switch to dumb fire and start engaging the less important ones. She bit her lip as she watched Seamus and his NC do their job. Fuck! And she was being useless, just watching the supporting fire and the rest of the action! She grunted and ordered, "All right! All targets, confirm lock, confirm solutions!" "[i]All solutions confirmed, all targets locked on. Permission to engage?[/i]" "Permission granted! Fire at will! Fire at will!" "[i]On the way![/i]" And the first smart round left the heavy cannon of the massive tank NC, a roar entering the sky as the round flew and was guided towards its target, one of the guns of the ships. It hit. Mariano grinned then said, "All right. Load next round, engage next target....Target acquired, fire at will!"