She was vaguely amused by the displays of shape-shifting being done. It was not an unknown thing in her world. Many people were capable of changing their forms, but the most famous for it were the druids, and the Kirin Tor mages. Or at least, Khadgar had a penchant for turning into a raven when he had to travel long distances. Even she could metamorphose into a demon in battle, although she wasn't about to demonstrate that here unless she was forced to. She didn't know anyone who was a true polymorph though. The boy seemed to be such, and she was intrigued. [color=92278f][b]"It's hard to say where or what this place is,"[/b][/color] Aran said when the general inquiry about their origins was posed. She glanced about at the trees. Even the magic here felt... different. [color=92278f][b]"But I know it's not home. I arrived here more through mishap than intention. So... no. I'm not from around here. You could say I was a [i]very[/i] long way from home."[/b][/color] At least she knew there was civilization nearby, or whatever this world's approximation of it was anyway. [color=92278f][b]"My name is Arancathria,"[/b][/color] she said then. [color=92278f][b]"But most find it's easier to say Aran."[/b][/color]