Penelope gave a small nod as Crow explained that he really hadn't planned out anything. She supposed it would be a bit difficult to since it was impossible to know exactly how his companions would react. Still, the knight wished they had more of a plan on how to deal with this upcoming situation. "I know and I think that's a good thing." she replied as he met her gaze. The knight offered him a half-hearted smile before focusing her gaze back ahead as they walked on. --- The rest of the day went by without any trouble just like the last. The only difference was that now Penelope was feeling worried as their reason for making this trip became more difficult to not think about as they drew closer. Between Crow facing his companions and her having to soon convince Mia, the knight was a bit on edge as they finally reached Myrefall near sundown. She glanced over at Crow and frowned faintly. Although she was a little nervous, she couldn't imagine how he must be feeling. This would be his last time in the outer villages as a thief and he'd be delivering some rather rough news to his companions, who had been with him for over a year. Penelope flickered her gaze over their surroundings, eying to see if anyone was watching them. Luckily it seemed word of Crow's release from the castle hadn't reached this far. Between lack of news and how it was getting late, it seemed they were safe from prying eyes. Satisfied that no one was staring, she began to lead the way off of the main road and into the surrounding forest as they began the last leg of their trip towards the waterfall. Once they were out of the open, she pressed closer to Crow and took his hand in hers. It might still be a bit risk since local knights could be patrolling nearby but she wanted to offer him what comfort she could now that they'd soon be meeting with his companions. "We're almost there... Are you ready?" she asked softly.