[center][color=D5FF00][i][h1]Mali Anson[/h1][/i][/color][hr][b]Location:[/b] Chicago [b]Skills:[/b] N/A [hr][hr][/center] [color=D5FF00]"That so? I moved out to Justice to get closer to various gigs and opportunities. And it also felt like I'd fit in better. Well not fit in, but it wouldn't be out of the ordinary to see a freak like me in southern California. That seems to be one of the country's two nexus points for weirdos. That and Florida."[/color] In her head, Mali couldn't help but gripe about how much it sucked that she couldn't spend enough time in the city to even think about utilizing the reasons for moving house before everything went to hell. A broken hand was one of the worst injuries a bodybuilder could get, effectively smashing any hopes she had for any competitions for the rest of the year, and she couldn't even really get a head start for the off-season even factoring out the Juno business. But then Zoie had to go and bring up a zombie apocalypse, snapping Mali out of her internal frustration. Nah, that ain't her. Go check and see if someone else would be down with that shit, because the validation for that fantasy did not exist in that truck. [color=D5FF00]"Funny thing about people who always have some post-apocalyptic fantasy."[/color] Mali began, going through a train of thought as it occurred to her. [color=D5FF00]"They never think they're going to die. Every single time, you've got like what, 90% of the population dying? In big cities it's probably closer to like 99.99%. Even if your a colossal badass, you could just get hit at a bad time. Like if you're asleep, or holed up on the loo. The chances of you making it out of the initial fuckening are minuscule, let alone surviving any appreciable amount of time after the fact. Worst still, even if you do, that doesn't actually change the fact that you don't know who really has your back. Those other survivors you run into might want to team up and survive, or they might shank you and leave you bleeding as they take what little shit you have."[/color] Realizing she'd just been babbling at length, Mali looked away briefly and cleared her throat. A lot of the spiel was genuine critique of the romanticization of the post apocalypse, but really she was distracting herself from thing about zombies with their dead, deflated eyes and decaying flesh. The last time she got dragged to a zombie flick she had nightmares for a week. If possible, she'd prefer to leave them out of her life entirely.