Hermes suddenly woke with a start, her heart racing. Xiaoli was seemingly asleep by her side, though she stirred a little and nuzzled further into Hermes’ armpit, giving off a gentle hum. Hermes relaxed at the touch, only a little confused to when Xiaoli had joined her, their sleep cycles being drastically different; Hermes needing around ten hours, and Xiaoli needing-- well none. She shook her head, her dream coming back to her. She sat up, her motion causing a small frown to form on the sleeping Xiaoli, the river-girl’s head plopping onto one of the pillows. Hermes’ shirt and jacket were wrinkled heavily, having fallen asleep in the same clothes she wore to dinner. Looking down at Xiaoli she urgently patted her shoulder, having to tell someone. As Xiaoli stirred to life at the distinct lack of cozy heat by her side, she blinked at Hermes before smiling softly. “I cannot believe I actually fell asleep! What a curious sensation,” she mused quietly and reached out to caress Hermes’ back. “What is it?” she asked. Hermes formed a quick smile that then faded, “Li’Kalla is in trouble-- God wasn’t in my dreams, not the usual way. The weavers, they gave me a message.” Xiaoli’s smile grew into a gasp of worry as she sat up. “Oh no… We must tell His Lordship!” she exclaimed and cast her legs over the side of the bed, tying her sandals on her feet with an uncharacteristic clumsiness. Hermes popped off the bed, her outfit was twisted this way and that, and extremely wrinkled. A discolored splotch had dried where the blessing had happened and what was at least ten hours of sleep sweats conquered her shirt. She looked around, her eyes settling on the white shoes from yesterday. Quickly slipping them on and pressing her discolored skirt in an attempt to get rid of the wrinkles, she frowned, “Do you have any pants I can borrow?” Xiaoli let out a frustrated sigh and quickly shuffled over to the wardrobe. She opened it swiftly and dug through the heaps of clothing until she produced a pair of white gi pants, which she tossed gently towards Hermes. “Here, these ought to do the trick.” [hr] The two were soon outside the snake’s chambres. The hallway was silent apart from the two girls’ pants and the faint sound of harp music from the other side of the door. Xiaoli took one look over at Hermes, then walked over and began to pull at and adjust her clothing. Hermes squirmed in place, but after a while she straightened up, “Let’s go in, I’ll feel a lot better knowing he knows.” “No, no, your hair is all messy! Just let me-!” She reached up to adjust Hermes’ sleep knotted hair. “In the circumstances, I don’t think Shengshi will mind; we can fix it after,” Hermes pleaded. Xiaoli stopped and let out a sigh. “Fine, you’re right,” she said curtly and promptly went over to push the doors open. The room was empty as usual, complemented with melancholic harp cords from the outside. Xiaoli stormed out the door and turned the corner, Hermes quick at her heels. There, the snake sat plucking at the strings of his guzheng, facing the bow of the ship. Beside him floated Poppler, who was popping along to the harp cords and the snake’s snickers. “I truly misjudged you, little one, the first time we met. Your language is unrefined, but my, do you have some interesting thoughts bubbling in that… Head of yours,” the snake mused as he gave Poppler a grin. Xiaoli stood panting behind him, taking the time to do a quick bow. “My lord, we have urgent news!” The snake held up one finger. “Just a moment! A crescendo is coming up.” He lowered his hand again and started running his claws up and down the harp, producing increasingly louder cords. Xiaoli was dumbstruck for a moment and then frowned. “My lord, they truly are urgent! Her Holiness Li’Kalla is in danger!” The snake nodded solemnly, the harp quieting down momentarily. “Yes, I am aware. Some sweet birds came by a few hours ago and whispered to me K’nell’s warning. A tragic occurrence, that.” Then the music resumed. “Oh,” was all Hermes could muster for a while, before reforming her thoughts, “K’nell continues to walk Galbar, intent on fixing the mess before returning to his Palace, but he believes Galbar to be in a state of danger beyond mortal capacity until such things are fixed.” Hermes looked at Xiaoli, “The only places he trusts that we are safe from the concussion of the event is here and Tendlepog. He doesn’t restrict, but he does advise.” Xiaoli looked back at Hermes, then at Shengshi. “Well, my lord? What will you do now that you know?” The music stopped again. The snake sighed and slithered away from the guzheng, turning to face the two girls. “I will lend him whatever aid I can, naturally - but my power is still recovering after the creation of Chuanwang. I will seek him out as soon as I feel confident that I can be of assistance to him. A question remains, however: What will the two of you do?” Xiaoli blinked at the snake, then at Hermes. “W-well, His Holiness K’nell recommended that we remain here or travel to Tendlepog, so I reckon we will do either of those. Hermes, what do you think?” Hermes bit a finger in thought, “Well… I want to get to Tendlepog and start building a new home, but--” Hermes shook her head, “You just got back to yours, and I’m a little too woozy for the sandals still.” Xiaoli shook her head. “Don’t worry about that, dear, we-... We will go to Tendlepog at start building your house, okay? You can rest up while I pack us something for the journey, okay?” Xiaoli reached out to squeeze Hermes’ hands affectionately. Hermes took her hands and squeezed back with a smile. “You’re so good to me.” [i]”Crackle?”[/i] The snake sighed. “Poppler, that was unnecessarily crude.” Xiaoli flushed with red and scowled at the cloudling. The snake -- and Hermes -- snickered quietly. “So be it. I will have the servants make you some snacks for the journey. The washroom should have cleaned your clothes by now. They are waiting for you in your room, I reckon - we took the liberty of washing your backpack as well, Hermes. Rest assured, the contents have also been maintained to the best of our ability - the fishing spear will likely dull if you do not do so more often.” Hermes made a guilty face, “Oh, right. I’ll do that.” She nodded quickly, “Thank you so much, Shengshi.” The snake smiled wryly and gave a curt, upwards nod. “You two be on your way now. Don’t forget to write every now and then.” “Once either Xiaoli or Abanoc’s book shows me how, of course I will,” Hermes smiled wide, “Poppler, let’s go.” The cloudling ‘turned’ to Shengshi and let out two quick pops before buzzing over and disappearing into Hermes’ hair. The Dreamer grinned at the familiar feeling and turned to Xiaoli, “Speaking of the book, I want to try it before we leave.” Xiaoli smiled. “Sure! Let’s!” “Xiaoli - oh, pardon me, but could you remain for a minute or so?” Shengshi asked. Xiaoli blinked at him. “O-of course, my lord.” She turned to Hermes. “I’ll be right with you, okay?” Hermes nodded happily, “I’ll take a peek at the book while I wait.” She gave the room a smile before walking off to her own devices. [hr] Xiaoli smiled at Hermes as she left before turning back to Shengshi. “What is it, my lord?” she asked. The snake let out a sigh, seemingly constructing and deconstructing sentences as he kept opening and closing his mouth. Finally, the snake spoke: “I just-... A part of me wants you to know that you will always have a home here with someone who will always be happy to see you.” Xiaoli recoiled and then giggled a little. “Okay, where is this coming from?” The snake grimaced sheepishly. “It’s just-... I have made great efforts to change myself since you left the first time - when I truly realised what a fool I had been acting like. Therefore, I pray that you still think of Jiangzhou as your home - that I did not ruin that perception for you.” Xiaoli blinked again, her smile fading. She felt her eyes grow misty and looked back up at the snake. “It-... It’s fine, my lord. I see how different you are now and… And it warms my heart deeply. I’m… I’m really happy you are letting me leave, though. That truly shows how far you’ve come.” The snake’s eyes glistened in the heliopolis. He let out a hacking sigh. “Good. As long as we are clear.” He stood up and slithered over to Xiaoli. Then, against all her expectations, he embraced her. Xiaoli stood frozen for a moment before her mind finally urged her to return the gesture. “I will miss you,” the snake whispered. “To me, you will always be that beautiful little brook in the forest. Be safe.” Xiaoli let out a quiet sob, nodding into the snake’s chest. “... Yeah.” [hr] Xiaoli made her way back to the room after noticing Hermes was missing. A slight red stained under her eyes but was fading quickly as she walked. On the way, she grabbed their items and food and packed them in Hermes’ backpack. The halls of the boat flickered by and eventually she came to Hermes’ room, the door was slightly ajar. Peeking in she saw Hermes frozen still on the bed, her eyes as wide as saucers, staring at the blank pages of Abanoc’s book. Xiaoli walked over and sat down by Hermes, observing her odd posture. She put a hand on her stomach and lightly stirred it to get her attention. Hermes almost jumped out of her skin, the book snapping shut as she flinched. Her eyes immediately looked drained and she shook her head heavily. She weakly leaned into Xiaoli, “I can read.” Was all she muttered. Xiaoli gave her a concerned smile and caressed her head softly. “That is wonderful, dear! I’m so proud of you! Although, are you alright? Did you even close your eyes as you read?” “I-” Hermes stuttered, “I don’t know. Twenty-” “Twenty six letters of the old language, forty eight of the new, eighty seven of the southern, the east uses characters,” She muttered, her eyes sliding closed, “I can see them all in my head. Runes, the north uses runes.” Her voice continued to murmur, “Beetles can be used for ink, quills for writing, or stylus and wax. Bristle hair brushes-- sea life also produces ink. Chisel and stone. Foldable books, hieroglyphs.” “Woah, slow down a little!” Xiaoli said, her eyes growing increasingly anxious at the seemingly entranced Hermes. Hermes’ eyes opened and she looked up at Xiaoli, having fallen into her lap, “I saw yours too.” Xiaoli let out a sigh and pouted a little. “I could have taught you that, you know…” “I know,” Hermes answered, “I didn’t ask the book, it just showed me. It showed me everything I needed to know-- well, to read.” Xiaoli took a deep breath. “Well… At least you are well.” She caressed her cheek gently. “Just… Make sure to take regular breaks when you use that book, okay? You’ll need those eyes to see your future children, you know.” She giggled playfully. “We can teach them your style of reading,” Hermes smiled up at Xiaoli. Xiaoli’s giggled turned into a chuckle. “Yeah… Let’s do that.” The moment lasted for a little longer, a quiet atmosphere blessed with an affectionate warmth permeating the room. The only sounds were the two girls breathing softly as they took in each others’ sights. Finally, Xiaoli spoke: “I’ve packed, by the way. When would you like to head off?” Hermes slowly sat up, “We can leave now, I think the head rush scared away the nausea.” “Wonderful!” Xiaoli said and clapped her hands. She got to her feet and picked up Hermes’ backpack, handing it to her. Quickly slipping the bag over he back she looked around, eyes settling on her winged sandals. She kicked off her shoes and slipped the sandals on, tightening their clasps. She hopped in place a few times, a big smile growing on her face, “I missed my sandals.” Looking up at Xiaoli, Hermes nodded, “Let’s go, I can tell you my dream on the way.” Xiaoli raised an eyebrow and then chuckled. “Alright, sure.” She got to her feet and the trio exited the room. [hr] On deck, the snake was waiting, standing atop the dragon’s head, and surrounded by almost every servant aboard the ship. The snake grinned from horn to horn and the servants all bowed to the trio, exclaiming: “Ten thousand years of love and harmony to our most esteemed guests! We pray Your journey will be safe and glorious!” Xiaoli giggled at the message. Hermes flashed a cheshire grin, “Hopefully more than even ten thousand.” Xiaoli flushed. “H-Hermes! We’re in public!” she whispered loudly. Hermes looked at Xiaoli, her brows furrowed, “Did I do something wrong?” Xiaoli blinked a few times and then leaned in closer as the snake began to speak. “I’m really happy we feel like this for one another, you know, but it’s a private matter, right?” she asked rhetorically. “Oh,” was all Hermes managed, “Okay.” “... upon the wondrous journey that you two are about to undertake. Are you set to leave, then?” the snake asked. Xiaoli snapped to. “Y-yes!” she blurted out, perhaps a little louder than necessary. The snake nodded. “Very well, then. Safe travels!” Xiaoli smiled at Hermes. “Shall we head off, then?” “Yes,” Hermes broke from her own thoughts and quickly wrapped her arms around Xiaoli. The trio slowly levitated for a moment, Hermes calling out, “Thanks again, Shengshi!” Before suddenly turning into a flash of color, leaving nothing but a loud boom in her wake. [hider=Season 2!] Hermes awakens with news of Li’Kalla (Next to Xiaoli) The duo decide to warn Shengshi, who reveals that he already knows (and he is with Poppler). Hermes explains K’nells take on the situation and puts forth the idea that they should either remain on the boat or go to Tendlepog. Eventually they decide on Tendlepog . Shengshi sends them on their way, but holds Xiaoli for a moment to get some emotional closure. The two hug out their past wrongs against one another. Xiaoli packs in a flash, then enters the room to find Hermes completely absorbed by Abanoc’s book. Rather concerned that her girlfriend seemingly hasn’t blinked for twenty minutes, Xiaoli stirs her from her trance. Hermes says she now can read, and rambles some more. They chat a little about future children before heading off. On deck, Shengshi and the servants say a proper goodbye to the trio by wishing them ten thousand years of love. Hermes says their love will be longer-lasting than that, but Xiaoli doesn’t like that Hermes talks about their relationship in public, as she holds that it is a private matter. Hermes is taken aback by this reaction, but the two are interrupted by the snake, then promptly zap off. [/hider] [hider=Bloops] “In the circumstances, I don’t think Shengshi will mind; we can fix it after,” Hermes pleaded. Xiaoli stopped and let out a sigh. “Fine, you’re right,” she said curtly and promptly went over to push the doors open. Shengshi was sitting center of the room, bare ass naked eating an icecream tub, “Uhhh, Knock?” [/hider]