[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/jeQoKbs.png[/img][/center] As the lift descended bringing them closer to imminent danger, the music pumping through her sound system changed. From the other side of the tinny speakers, the sound of whirring and clicking echoed into her head, as the microphone in her cabin picked up the sound of the tape player swapping cassettes. There was a snap as a new tape was clicked into place and its guard shut over it, and a high-pitched drilling noise as the machine wound the magnetic strip to its starting position. Before a servo pressed down on the play button of the device with a hearty [i]krrchnk[/i]. The moments following were filled with static silence, occasionally hissing and popping before a song played. Behind her M almost choked, before bursting out in laughter. The way the communication system worked was a series of open channels for quick communication during combat, which meant you could tap into anyone's feed at any one moment. Skyldig was aware of this, so placed her music system on a closed channel only she could tap into. But it seemed her music was loud enough to be picked up by her microphone, and thus, M could listen to it. To her horror. "[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUMAmI5YcBQ]Oh this is rich![/url]" He cried out, his gloved hand on the front of his helmet as if holding a nonexistent face, "I didn't take you for a Carpenters kind of girl!" He gestured for the others to gather around, with his fingers holding up the number 3, Skyldig's channel. Under her mask she seethed, as in the background the soft strumming of the Carpenters filled her helmet. Slipping her fingers between a gap in the segmented plates of his armor, she lifted him up and pinned him to the wall of the lift, with a deep and rumbling growl. The suit was light, after all, it only needed to contain a gas, and none of the other extraneous things needed to keep a supple, fleshy body alive. Pressing a knife under the lip of the helmet, she poked at the rubberized gasket of the container. "[color=darkslategray]I'll fucking space you right now you cretin![/color]" She barked, threatening to evacuate him out of his suit "[color=darkslategray]I-I'll turn you into Green- Green Kibble![/color]" Referring to one of the three kibbles they fed slaves on Pargalon-3. Green kibble, Beige kibble and Grey kibble. The sudden and jostling motion shocked him, but more so he was worried that she might actually do it. He raised his hands up in submission. "Alright, alright! No one tune in to her band!" He said, hoping to appease her. Ross chortled, not following his advice as the music played in her cochlear implants. "This is precious!" She cried out, not at all ready to hear the smooth, mellowing music. Almost in disbelief that the Carpenters were in Skyldig's personal collection of music. Before she could turn to confront the doctor, the elevator began to make its short and abrupt slow down. As the door slid open she heaved the giant suit in front of the cabin, shielding them from the small arms fire that was no doubt about to ensue. When the doors fell open, nothing, until a metallic object came skittering and clanking into the cabin. Skyldig looked down at it, her sharp eyes catching the words written on the side of it. [img]https://i.imgur.com/wvFELZY.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/WptLdQz.png[/img] Catching it with her foot, she kicked the concussion grenade back out of the lift, a bright flash of light accompanied by a loud bang splattered the cabin with metal spalling. Pushing M aside, Skyldig drew her rifle in one hand and fired around him, hoping to keep their heads down while she thought. Reaching for a grenade on her belt, letting her rifle dangle by its strap at her shoulder. She groped at thin air, the doctor must have taken the utility belt off of her when they were up on the roof, leaving Skyldig explosiveless. She released a groan in frustration. This was going to take a little more effort than she thought it would, she admitted to herself with some level of irritation, before storming out into the hallway.