[quote=@BurningDaisies] [h1]Neith[/h1] [hider=OoC] [b] As a player, what is your preferred writing level? [/b] [s]One paragraph or less One to two paragraphs Several paragraphs[/s] Long stories with heavy collaboration [b] Is grammar and depth of writing important to you? [/b] Grammar is negotiable. English is not everyone's first language. How well someone can depict a character or scene is much more important to me. [b] Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring? [/b] [list] [*] Visceral, relatable characters [*] Poignant drama [*] Mysteries and puzzles [*] Intrigue (political, criminal, romance, etc) [*] Elaborate cons and spycraft[/list] [b]Is there anything you [i]really[/i] dislike and want to avoid like the plague? [/b] [list] [*] Convey what's important. Ignore word counts. I [i]despise[/i] posts that were written in ten paragraphs, when one paragraph could have easily done the scene justice. [*] Players using their characters to act out some kind of wish fulfillment scenario.[/list] [b]Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character? [/b] Not really. It would suck if she died, but all things come to an end. Like in life, you rarely have a choice in the matter. [b]Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character? [/b] A few... [list] [*] An emotionally charged, dramatic reunion with Brye Farlance, who believes she is dead [*] A run-in with her old Jedi Master, who was an unreliable and jaded mentor that abandoned her when she needed it the most [*] Discovering more about her long dead, Sith parents, who were Krath cultists [*] A chance encounter with her estranged father[/list] [b]Additional Information:[/b] Some flashback scenarios have already been written in collaboration with other players. I'll make them available later. [/hider] [hider=The Illustrious Neith, Space Pirate Extraordinaire] [hider=Couriers Holonet Ad] NOTE: Neith is a fabricated identity and has only been with the Steel Heart pirate crew for a year, so much of what is available in the Couriers Holonet is speculative; while some information is true, verified details are scarce. [b]Name: [/b] Neith [b]Species: [/b] Sephi [b]Age: [/b] early 20's [b]Gender: [/b] Female [b]Specialisation: [/b] Thievery [b]Current area of operation: [/b] [indent]Mid Rim worlds[/indent] [b]Known Skills: [/b] Infiltration, impersonation, sabotage, astrogation, unarmed combat, swordplay [b]Trained Techniques: [/b] Disarming and restraining maneuvers, counter attacks [b]Known associates: [/b] [list] [*] Nimat’ualin - Twi’lek - Captain of the [i]Steel Hearts[/i] pirate crew [*] Gene - Human - Member of the [i]Steel Hearts[/i] pirate crew [*] Dashara Horizon - Zeltron - Member of the [i]Steel Hearts[/i] pirate crew[/list] [b]Favored Equipment and clothes: [/b] While her wardrobe changes frequently, the one constant has always been a pair of arm length gloves. The color varies, but they're supposedly made from some kind of sturdy material like Verpine Durasilk. It is exceptionally resilient and strong enough to absorb two or three shots from a blaster pistol. [b]Personality type: [/b] With a unique blend of confidence and wit Neith can easily dominate a conversation and steal the show. And, like her crew mates, she often does. Sly and irreverent, nothing is sacred according to her sense of humour and her jokes have started more than a few cantina fights. Unsurprisingly, she has dim view of authority figures and spurns law enforcers regularly. [b]Known flaws: [/b] Unknown. She has rarely been seen without the company of her pirate associates. [/hider] [hider=Couriers Holonet Metadata Summary] [h3][sub][b]Detailed appearance. Imagery insufficient.[/b][/sub][/h3] [hider=Portrait] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/24724c31-47a1-4f19-afaf-3e3139e2588f.jpg[/img][/hider] [h3][sub][b]Report on skills and talents, including level of skill.[/b][/sub][/h3] [i][indent]"It's amazing how many people neglect to check your ID when you walk around like you're supposed to be there. Even if that wasn't the case--it is--I could still walk onto a Republic battle cruiser and order those uniformed idiots around. It's too easy."[/indent] [right]--The Fabulous Neith, Infiltration Expert and Con Artist Extraordinaire[/right][/i] After her recent involvement with the Steel Hearts pirate crew, her reputation as an infiltration specialist has steadily grown. Most notable was the heist on Karnak II, where she somehow allowed her crew to bypass the internal security of a Nemoidian merchant's flagship. Little else is known about her, but the rumor mill is awash with a variety of bizarre claims. Stories of skirmishes with the Steel Hearts are frequently embellished, muddying the truth. However, Neith is generally considered to be extremely skilled with a vibroblade, and seemingly impossible to corner in a fight. She has demonstrated feats of superhuman strength on a few separate occasions, leading some to believe she has cybernetic implants. [h3][sub][b]Report on known combat experience, training and weapons training.[/b][/sub][/h3] Despite a few fights in a cantinas and bars, records of her combat experience are sparse. Of note, however, was an encounter she had with a Mandalorian bodyguard. Although, she retreated in the end, witnesses described her unusual acrobatics and skill with a vibroblade as being particularly troublesome to deal with. [h3][sub][b]Does the Courier have, or have they ever had, a bounty on them? Are they wanted?[/b][/sub][/h3] Yes. Being part of a pirate crew comes with certain strings attached. [h3][sub][b]Detailed notes on common/favored employers and any noteworthy contacts. [/b][/sub][/h3] The Steel Hearts crew, Neith included, tends to consort with wealthy merchants as often as they rob them. She is also suspected to be related to a Rodian information broker on Nar Shadaa by the name of Guuz Swieeksang. [h3][sub][b]Detailed notes on known rivals and enemies.[/b][/sub][/h3] For thieves and brigrands, clients can also be targets. Piracy has simple, but loose economic principles that tends to make enemies out of most people. [h3][sub][b]List and description of other known associates.[/b][/sub][/h3] [list] [*] Nimat’ualin - Twi’lek - Captain of the [i]Steel Hearts[/i] pirate crew [*] Gene - Human - Member of the [i]Steel Hearts[/i] pirate crew [*] Dashara Horizon - Zeltron - Member of the [i]Steel Hearts[/i] pirate crew[/list] [h3][sub][b]List of known belongings, including but not limited to planetary surface property, civilian and military vessels, vehicles, weapons, tools.[/b][/sub][/h3] She has been known to carry vibroblades, varying models blaster pistols and rifles, a varying assortment of grenades and explosives, and a utility belt with common tools of her trade. Most notably, she always carries an Echani Vibrosword, which she allegedly stole from a famous collector. [h3][sub][b]Psychological evaluation of Courier.[/b][/sub][/h3] None available [h3][sub]List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.[/sub][/h3] According to reports, she tends to avoid lengthy battles and is diffcult to corner. For the right amount of credits, a Mandalorian mercenary who fought with Neith might be willing to discuss his thoughts on the matter. [h3][sub][b]All known interests of the Courier.[/b][/sub][/h3] Trinkets and people of high value. [h3][sub][b]Major achievements on record.[/b][/sub][/h3] [list] [*] Coordinated a heist of the famous Kasavaraya tea set for Greema the Hutt. [*] Fended off a veteran mandalorian mercenary while robbing the Brevoy Auction House. [/list] [h3][sub][b]Major failures on record. Confidential.[/b][/sub][/h3] None [h3][sub][b]Personal biography, as detailed by the subject for future record. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.[/b][/sub][/h3] [hider=Interview] [indent][i]Author: The Illustrious Neith Subject: Greatest of All Time Date: 19:00, 1.1.6 BTC (This year) I'm flattered you want to know. Really, I am, but if you're expecting me to spoil the mystery, you're sorely mistaken. [/i][/indent][/hider] [b]IMPORTANT:[/b] For a more complete history, please refer to Helea Arundhati, The Runaway Padawan -> Jedi Interal Records -> Interview [/hider][/hider] [hider=Helea Arundhati, The Runaway Padawan] [hider=Jedi Temple Public Records] [indent][i]My name is Helea Neith Arundhati. My friends call me ‘Neith’.[/i][/indent] [b]Status: [/b] [color=red]Deceased[/color] [b]Species: [/b] [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Sephi]Sephi[/url]-[url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Hapan]Hapan[/url] Mix [b]Age: [/b] 19 [b]Gender: [/b] Female [b]Rank: [/b] Padawan [b]Master: [/b] Acacas Ry [b]Former master(s):[/b] [list] [*] Urvine Crid - Praxeum instructor and Psychometry tutor [/list] [b]Known Skills: [/b] Reconnaissance, astrogation, stealth, investigative Research, puzzle-solving, Xenozoology, Animal Husbandry, diplomacy, xenolinguistic translation [b]Trained Force Techniques: [/b] All the basic Jedi force powers, all well as Psychometry, Telepathy, Comprehend Speech, Mind Trick, Force Stun, Force Deflection [b]Known associates: [/b] [b]Acacas Ry[/b] - [i]Jedi Knight[/i] - Took Helea as an apprentice [b]Urvine Crid [NPC][/b] - [i]Jedi Master[/i] - Mentor; Manager of the praxeum where Helea grew up. [b]Brye Farlance[/b] - [i]Padawan[/i] - The two were nearly inseparable as children, and were deliberately split up to prevent any deeper attachments from forming. [b]Favored Equipment and clothes: [/b] [list] [*] Having some skill with conventional blades, she has been known to carry vibrodaggers in addition to her lightsaber [*] While her wardrobe changes periodically, the one constant has always been a pair of arm length gloves. Hardly a fashion statement, its real purpose is to serve as a kind of mental focus. Having a physical barrier, helps Helea form the mental barrier necessary for filtering out unsolicited psychometric visions. She always has a pair on her. [/list] [b]Personality type: [/b] [hider] [list] [*] Compassionate [*] Confident [*] Outgoing [*] Gregarious [*] Mischievous [*] Impulsive [/list][/hider] [b]Known flaws: [/b] [list] [*] Emotions tend to interfere with her use force techniques, and could be exploited [*] Dueling style is somewhat unique, but her defensive moves can be easily predicted in a prolonged fight. [/list][/hider] [hider=Jedi Temple Internal Records] [h3][sub][b]Detailed appearance. [/b][/sub][/h3] [hider=Portrait][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/9b4ccdae-ace4-499b-8e7d-995956c6aa38.jpg[/img][/hider] People may not always remember her name, but they remember her eyes. Lush, overlapping streaks of bright crimson and violet branch outward from dark pupils. Looking into them strikes the senses and leaves a lasting impression. She changes her wardrobe when she has the opportunity and commonly wears the jewelry she received as a gift on one of her missions. They are of negligible value, but the polished gleam of white metal accents the cool tones of her skin nicely. Standing roughly five and half feet tall, she rarely towers over anyone except the smallest of species. Well-toned from years of training, she possesses a lithe, athletic body and the endurance to make user of it. [h3][sub][b]Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill level.[/b][/sub][/h3] [hider=Jedi Archive -- Journal Entries] [indent][i]Author: Heia Kim, Jedi Watchman Subject: Helea N. Arundhati Date: 13:00, 2.7.9 BTC (15 years ago) She has demonstrated an unusually keen telepathic sense. In our training sessions, she described being able to feel the minds of the other initiates, each of them having their own shapes, textures, and even colors. Her control of the Force is still rudimentary at best, but her acuity is nonetheless remarkable. Master Urvine and I agree that this is a reflection of her natural synchrony with the Force residing in other living beings. What really caught my attention was her mention of sensing what I can only describe as echoes, little pieces of the initiate's minds scattered around the compound. More observations are necessary to determine the extent of her talents, but Master Urvine believes she may have an innate gift for psychometry.[/i][/indent] [center]- - -[/center] [indent] [i]Author: Urvine Crid, Jedi Master Subject: Helea N. Arundhati Date: 07:42, 22.4.8 BTC (14 years ago) Padawan Silas Vark showed me a peculiar holo recording from yesterday afternoon. Young Helea was found napping in the meditation garden. While I'm hardly surprised a youngling fell asleep during meditation practice, what I found strange was the gallery of small animals surrounding her. There were easily a dozen of them--serpents, birds, and rodents alike. The creatures scattered into the thickets when Silas approached, but they were clearly responding to her. When I questioned her about the incident earlier this morning, she didn't have any recollection of the animals, but did recall a vivid dream from that day. Curiously, she claimed she was trying to "talk to the garden". I guided her through a meditative practice to bid the memories to her, so we could better understand what happened. While our minds were linked, I caught a glimpse of our garden, wild with overgrowth, then scent of rain-soaked earth, and a distant feeling of regret. There was no one around save a shadowy outline of Master Darkara. He was reclining against one of the standing stones and staring at the night sky. Master Darkara came to our praxeum years ago after being maimed in a duel with the Sith. He recovered, but his injuries were too severe for him to return to the front lines. Three days after he arrived, we found him slumped against the boulder in our garden. He had passed during the night. It seems Helea has stumbled onto a memory shortly before his death. While she may not have tapped into consciously, there is no mistaking it. She encountered a vision of the past. [/i][/indent] [center]- - -[/center] [indent][i]Author: Urvine Crid, Jedi Master Subject: Assessment - Helea N. Arundhati Date: 11:54, 17.4.7 BTC (13 years ago) Only seven years old and young Helea has such a strength of personality that I find myself grinning at her reckless curiosity and childish wit. A sharp girl this one is. Both myself and Heia Kim have evaluated her individually numerous times, guiding her through meditation practice and coaxing her towards a more self-reflective state of mind. She has always struggled with this, but it is not a lack of focus that impedes her. The moment she begins attuning to the Force it floods into her like a ruptured dam. Unless we conduct the session with great care, her body cannot contain the surge of power and she passes out immediately. Her affinity for tapping into the ambient Force is so potent, it easily overwhelms her. It will be a long and hard journey for her to develop control over it, if she manages it at all.[/i] [/indent] [/hider] [center]- - -[/center] The Jedi Order keeps fairly meticulous records, but information on Helea Neith Arundhati is lacking, and after her (alleged) death, it's not likely to be updated. This is what the Jedi have on record: [hider=Known Techniques (Outdated)] [u]Known Techniques (Outdated)[/u]: [i]Last assessment on 27.6.1 BTC (7 years ago)[/i] Although she has a talent for sense-based powers, she has only ever received provisional training in most of the basic Jedi powers. Jedi Master Urvine Crid understood well that Helea would have a difficult time learning to control the force, more so than the other younglings at the time. Tutaminis became the platform he used to help improve her level of control, and it has been apart of her regimen ever since. Similarly, because psychometry is a notoriously unwieldy power, she received more specialized training to make it less overwhelming. Because no other psychometry users lived at the Arkania praxeum, much of her training focused on sharpening her jedi senses in the hope that it would build a solid foundation for psychometric ability. Following some of her more mundane interest, she taught herself how to bond with animals as well. Her skill for it is rudimentary, but functional; having a farm near the praxeum certainly helped. After becoming a padawan, her master, Acacas Ry, put her keen telepathic sense to good use. She served as his translator on a few missions, and especially in the Outer Rim. Although a few more of her talents emerged somewhat by accident, Acacas was more concerned with his padawan's ability to survive the real world on her own. It was war time after all. So, she spent long hours developing force techniques more focused on combat. [list] [*] Tutaminis (Basic) -- Intermediate Training [*] Force Jump -- Basic Training [*] Telekinesis -- Basic Training [*] Telekinetic Defense -- Basic Training [*] Force Throw -- Basic Training [*] Force Speed -- Basic Training [*] Force Sight (basic) -- Trained Talent [*] Force Sense -- Trained Talent [*] Precognition -- Intermediate Training [*] Mind Trick -- Basic Training [*] Force Stun -- Basic Training [*] Force Deflection -- Basic Training [*] Telepathy -- Trained Talent [*] Comprehend Speech -- Trained Talent [*] Force Empathy - Known, Untrained Talent [*] Animal Friendship -- Known, Untrained Talent [*] Psychometry -- Intermediate Training [/list][/hider] Because she has spent the past seven years outside the Order, the records in the Jedi don't include a current assessment. More to the point, she her official status is [i][Deceased][/i], so information on her skills after leaving the order could only be gained elsewhere, and its probably scattered rumors at best. [hider=Known Techniques (Current)] [u]Known Techniques (Current)[/u]: [i]Assessment at game start[/i] [list] [*] Mind Trick -- Well-Trained Talent [indent]As a thief, she made occasional use of this power to keep herself out of trouble. However, as an escort, she found herself using it whenever she could get away with it. A mind weakened by alcohol and sensual promises is much easier to crack. Her success kept her from being sold off or worse.[/indent] [*] Comprehend Speech -- Trained Talent [indent]Necessity is the mother of innovation. Nar Shadaa is a melting pot of alien minds, and for several years she had to make sense of what people were saying or risk being mugged, enslaved, or worse.[/indent] [*] Force Empathy -- Trained Talent [indent]This power emerged slowly through her teenage years. With the help of her Zeltron companion, she was able to gain some measure of control over it.[/indent] [*] Psychometry -- Intermediate Training [indent]Although she has made use of this ability over the years, it still remains unreliable when used on a whim. Her control over it has marginally improved however. With a little time and concentration, she can greatly improve the clarity of her visions.[/indent] [*] Telekinesis -- Intermediate Training [indent]Working for the crime boss Flix sometimes meant getting into places you're not supposed to. In the event the tools at hand failed to gain her entrance, a precise application of telekinetic force could open most doors and thwart most physical locks.[/indent] She has had little need to develop the following techniques beyond her current level of proficiency: [*] Tutaminis (Basic) -- Intermediate Training [*] Force Jump -- Basic Training [*] Telekinetic Defense -- Basic Training [*] Force Throw -- Basic Training [*] Force Speed -- Basic Training [*] Force Sight (basic) -- Trained Talent [*] Force Sense -- Trained Talent [*] Precognition -- Intermediate Training [*] Telepathy -- Trained Talent [*] Animal Friendship -- Known, Untrained Talent [*] Force Stun -- Basic Training [*] Force Deflection -- Basic Training [/list][/hider] [h3][sub][b]Report on skills not directly rooted in the Force, including level of skill[/b][/sub][/h3] [hider=Jedi Archive -- Journal Entries] [indent][i]Author: Heia Kim, Jedi Watchman Subject: Assessment - Helea N. Arundhati Date: 19:12, 3.10.5 BTC (11 years ago) CRON-317, our librarian droid, has been causing a bit of stir the past two days. Its voice module had been tampered with, and was causing the poor droid to speak backwards. The younglings found it amusing, although Master Urvine expressed some different concerns. Two nights ago, I found Helea and Bryethe skulking around the compound. I scolded them both and sent them off to bed, but had not realized they had already been to the library to perpetrate this 'prank'. Padawans Silas and Lidda were both on watch, but curiously neither took notice of the girls. Either my padawans are grossly incompetent, or both of these initiates have some talents we've been neglecting. Still, it would be prudent to separate Bryethe and Helea. They influence one another too easily. I sense an attachment growing. [/i][/indent][/hider] The Jedi Order keeps fairly meticulous records, but information on Helea Neith Arundhati is lacking, and after her (alleged) death, it's not likely to be updated. This is what the Jedi have on record: [hider=Known Skills (Outdated)] [u]Known Skills (Outdated)[/u]: [i]Last assessment on 12.6.1 BTC (7 years ago)[/i] [list] [*] Stealth - Basic Training [*] Reconnaissance - Basic Training [*] Animal Husbandry - Trained Talent [*] Xenozoology - Basic Training [*] Investigative Research - Intermediate Training [*] Astrogation - Basic Training [*] Puzzle-solving - Trained Talent [*] Diplomatic Negotiations - Basic Training [/list] Brief Training History: [list] [*] She has been attached to republic reconnaissance units before and has field experience tracking Sith and conducting investigations. [*] Completed intergalactic astrogation training provided by a pilot from the Republic Navy [*] She is proficient in hand-to-hand combat and has demonstrated this in a few sparring matches and during athletic assessments. [*] She volunteered at the local farm near her praxeum for a few years, caring for the livestock, and studying them. [/list][/hider] Because she has spent the past seven years outside the Order, the records in the Jedi don't include a current assessment. More to the point, she her official status is [i][Deceased][/i], so information on her skills after leaving the order could only be gained elsewhere, and its probably scattered rumors at best. [hider=Known Skills (Current)] [u]Known Skills (Current)[/u]: [i]Assessment as of game start[/i] [list] [*] Pickpocketing & Sleight of Hand - Intermediate Training [indent]She spent nearly five years on Nar Shadaa working for a criminal syndicate. For three of those years, she served as a street thief and fraudster. Many of her skills were acquired or improved during this time.[/indent] [*] Slicing - Basic Training [indent](See above)[/indent] [*] Stealth - Advanced Training [indent](See above)[/indent] [*] Reconnaissance - Intermediate Training [indent](See above)[/indent] [*] Street Savvy - Intermediate Training [indent]It's a cutthroat's life on Nar Shadaa. Sink or swim. If you don't know what's going or can't find out, you might end up dead. She survived for over four years on the smuggler's moon, and learned a few things during her stay.[/indent] [*] Seduction - Intermediate Training [indent]Before she escaped, the last eighteen months on Nar Shadaa she served as an escort for a powerful crime boss. She was responsible for coaxing secrets and damning information out of clientèle,, and she became quite good at it.[/indent] [*] Deception - Intermediate Training [indent][i]Pretty women and pretty lies are just faces on same fake diamond.[/i] This was the unspoken mantra of the escort girls she worked with.[/indent] [*] Puzzle-solving - Trained Talent [*] Investigative Research - Intermediate Training [*] Animal Husbandry - Trained Talent [*] Xenozoology - Basic Training [*] Diplomatic Negotiations - Basic Training [*] Intergalactic Astrogation - Basic Training [/list][/hider] [h3][sub][b]Report on known combat experience, training and lightsaber training.[/b][/sub][/h3] [hider=Jedi Archive -- Progress Report] [indent][i]Author: Urvine Crid, Jedi Master Subject: Assessment - Helea N. Arundhati Date: 17:43, 18.9.5 BTC (11 years ago) I can tell that Helea struggles with the theory behind the various combat forms. If her occasional napping during my lectures is any indicator, it seems she learns best through doing, not study. We have no battle master here for her to learn from, so I invited Amit Teskis to teach our initiates one-on-one. As a former Republic Army scout that served alongside Heia Kim, he seems well equipped to instruct them in close quarters combat. Even as a precocious child, Helea was always a resourceful girl. It is a small wonder why she was drawn to the principles of Sokan. Heia Kim may not have a taste for it, but Amit certainly does. Admittedly, I had not expected Helea to gravitate to this style so easily. Amit has been here a week, and she absorbs his lessons like a sponge. Her progress is impressive, although I wish she would practice her Soresu form more, she undoubtedly has the reflexes for it. [/i][/indent][/hider] [hider=Jedi Archive -- Progess Report] [indent][i]Author: Strom Thegan, Jedi Knight Subject: Assessment - Helea N. Arundhati Date: 10:31, 8.4.1 BTC (7 years ago) Hardly a purist, she lacks discipline in all of the basic forms. She seems to prefer blending movements from other forms together. While Helea received provisional training in the first five lightsaber forms, she is most proficient with the sixth, Niman, and is a diehard follower of Sokan principles, constantly moving across the battleground to maintain the advantage. Nimble and acrobatic, she switches between Niman and Ataru for offense, and relies heavily on practiced counters from Shien to fill in the gaps in her defenses. I suspect Acacas Ry's rigorous defensive training forced her to incorporate elements of Form "Zero" as well and caused her to develop a more personalized style. While she has never crossed sabers with a Sith before, her Shien form is backed by combat experience during missions with her master. She is hardly the top of her class in terms of dueling skills, but has also shown promise in sparring matches with other Padawans nonetheless. [/i][/indent][/hider] [hider=Current Status] She has not carried a lightsaber since she left the Order. She received some training with vibroweapons at the Arkania praxeum, but became much more practiced with them as a street urchin during her time on Nar Shadaa. Under her new persona as the pirate 'Neith', she prefers to use blaster pistols, but still keeps vibrodaggers on hand and is notably skilled with a vibrosword. Her lightsaber training heavily influences her swordplay, and a particularly insightful lightsaber duelist might be able to figure this out, if they were to fight her. [/hider] [h3][sub][b]Detailed notes on political influence and associates. [/b][/sub][/h3] [list] [*] [u]Khang Arundhati[/u] [indent]Although, Helea hasn't spoke to him in years, Khang is an influential figure throughout this sector. Although he no longer serves as the Sector Chief for Republic SIS, his retirement seems to have further solidified his power base. There is some evidence to suggest that his retirement is a farce as we know he has indirectly contributed to more than a few missions involving the Jedi Order[/indent] [/list] [h3][sub][b]Detailed notes on known rivals and enemies, outside and within the Order and Republic.[/b][/sub][/h3] None [h3][sub][b]List and description of other known associates, including intimates.[/b][/sub][/h3] [u]Bryethe Farlance[/u]: Helea and Bryethe were as close as sisters, and shared an intimate relationship that persisted for years, despite being deliberately separated numerous times. [u]Urvine Crid[/u]: Jedi Master and caretaker of the Helea's praxeum. He personally oversaw her psychometry training until Acacas Ry took her as his padawan. [u]Ekhoro Noctis[/u]: A Jedi Investigator from the Outer Rim, and a known psychometry user. She assisted Acacas Ry in honing Helea's psychometry ability. If Helea had stayed with the Order, Ekhoro likely would have recruited her as a junior investigator. [h3][sub][b]List of all known ownerships, including vessels, (non-standard) equipment, and locations.[/b][/sub][/h3] According to the Governor's office on Juris Khel, she was going to inherit Khang Arundhati's estate. [h3][sub][b]Psychological evaluation of Jedi Order member.[/b][/sub][/h3] Compassionate and loyal to a fault, Helea appears to have the makings of a Jedi, at first glance, but her history of juvenile mischief and her impulsive behavior has lead many to question her integrity and strength of character. Helea can be calm and collected when required, but she normally a precocious bundle of energy. [h3][sub][b]List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.[/b][/sub][/h3] [hider=(Encrypted) Jedi Archive -- Progress Report] [indent][i]Author: Urvine Crid, Jedi Master Subject: Assessment - Helea Arundhati Date: 17:43, 18.9.4 BTC (10 years ago) The late Heia Kim, said it best: Helea dances on the tip of a saber. She loves telling imaginative stories to the younglings, and bonded with many of them. She is one of the most thoughtful and compassionate initiates we have. However, therein lies the problem. She forms attachments far too easily, and does so despite our best efforts to prevent it and council her otherwise. I would be remiss to call her a prodigy, but her talent in the Force is irrefutable. Yet, some of her habits are not just problematic, but patently dangerous. For example, she often tends to rely on her emotions to wield the Force. While I sense no darkness in her yet, it is only matter of time. It is a constant struggle to keep her on the right path. I fear her real parents have left a lasting impression that cannot be undone so easily. This cannot continue. Jedi Knight Acacas Ry has been stationed here for a time. I've invited him to train her during his stay. I suspect his calm demeanor will help tame some of her wilder tendencies. [/i][/indent][/hider] [u]Personality Flaws[/u]: [list] [*] Impulsive [*] Emotional [*] Occasionally resists authority [*] Occasionally skeptical of Jedi Doctrine [/list] [u]Combat Flaws[/u]: Her lightsaber form is loosely defined, which is both a blessing and a curse. She is a very aggressive combatant and her style is more suited to skirmishes. Bad positioning can force her into retreat easily, and Her fortitude is not sufficient to spend long hours on the field of battle. Because much of her counter strikes and defensive maneuvers are drawn from Shien, a skilled duelist could read her moves and identify a pattern, making her vulnerable. While she makes liberal use of Telekinesis and Force Stun, she has not trained as extensively, or at all, in other combat-oriented Force techniques. [h3][sub][b]All known interests of the force-user.[/b][/sub][/h3] [list] [*] Xenozoology (Study of Alien Animals) [*] Mythology [*] Animal Husbandry [*] Music, especially Wind Instruments [/list] [h3][sub][b]Notes on skillset specialization, if applicable.[/b][/sub][/h3] Helea's innate gift of psychometry has influenced her training significantly. Prior to her becoming a padawan, she received special tutelage from Jedi Master Urvine to help her control her ability, and filter some of the visions that periodically intrudes upon her mind. [h3][sub][b]Major achievements on record.[/b][/sub][/h3] [list] [*] Successfully constructed her first lightsaber. [*] Completed Initiate Trials. [/list] [h3][sub][b]Major failures on record. Confidential.[/b][/sub][/h3] [list] [*] [u]Failed the Jedi Trial of Insight[/u] Although it was not intentional, she misinterpreted the visions she experienced through psychometry and provided bad information to agents in the field. Three Jedi Knights were ambushed while pursuing a Sith spy, and the entire team was slain in combat. [*] [u]Developed a strong emotional attachment to fellow initiate multiple times[/u] Most notable was her strong relationship with Bryethe Farlance that went beyond a simple friendship. While there was no romantic involvement, it was clear the two treated each other as sisters. [/list] [h3][sub][b]Personal biography, as detailed by the candidate for use in Jedi archives. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.[/b][/sub][/h3] [hider=Interview] Each entry is loosely organized into chronological order. [hider=(Encrypted) Jedi Archive -- Journal Entries] [indent][i]Author: Urvine Crid, Jedi Master Subject: Recruit from Juris Khel Date: 06:34, 24.6.7 BTC (15 years ago) Today I met with Khang Arundhati, the former sector chief for Republic Strategic Information Services. It seems that, despite his idyllic home on the moon of Juris Khel, his alleged retirement is really little more than a hobby. He was predictably scarce on the details, but a blind man could understand that he was still in contributing to SIS in some way. He strikes me as the kind of stiff mind that would crumble without a purpose to drive him. He hasn't said as much about it, but it's obvious he has not adapted to the quiet life very well. Both of his daughters died in the Great War many years ago, so I was surprised to discover that he had been raising a small girl for the past few years. Her name is Helea. He believed she might be force-sensitive and wanted me to perform a few tests. The reports are attached to this entry, but they weren't necessary. I could sense the Force flowing through her like a wild river. I have not seen a child so strongly connected to the force in over ten years. The details of her parentage gave me pause. I've included the heavily redacted intelligence reports from SIS, but there isn't much information to go on. To summarize, her parents were Krath cultists who fell into disfavor with the new Sith Emperor. SIS had been observing them for some time. Although they were supposed to be apprehended for interrogation, both of them died in a skirmish with SIS agents. The reports make no mention of an infant, but Khang has confided to me that the cultists had a newborn with them. Retired or not, he still has clout in SIS, otherwise I doubt the current Sector Chief, Aubard Hawke, would grant him custody of the infant girl. According to her medical records, Helea is his daughter, and like both of his other daughters, he wants her to be raised as a Jedi. He claims she may be "of use to the Republic", but I sense he's grown attached to the girl, and the fact bothers him a great deal. While I am thankful he came to me with for consul, there's clearly more to this meeting than he has revealed thus far. Nevertheless, we will induct her into our praxeum.[/i][/indent] [/hider] [hider=Jedi Archive -- Holo Recording] [indent][i]Author: Helea Neith Arundhati, Padawan Subject: Autobiography Date: 11:05, 7.11.1 BTC (7 years ago) ...recording? There we go. ... I guess it doesn't matter where I start. My name is Helea Neith Arundhati. My friends call me ‘Neith’. I'm from the Juris system. I was under the care of Jedi Master Urvine Crid at the Arkania praxeum until a few years ago. Jedi Knight Acacas Ry chose me as his padawan, and I've been learning from him ever since. I have a lot of good memories from the Juris praxeum. Heia Kim was always honest with me, especially when I didn't want to him to be. I wasn't there when he was killed, but I remember seeing him lying the ground. It's a memory I haven't been able to shake. Kim wouldn't believe it, if it came from my lips, but I used to admire him. Brye, Silas, and Lidda did too. He was a good Jedi, and I learned a lot from him. I think our Shien form and Soresu forms would still be terrible, if he hadn't drilled us through practice almost daily. Master Urvine is the wisest person I've ever met and a fantastic teacher. I know it was difficult for him to guide me through training. I'm sure I didn't make it easy on him. It's mostly thanks to him that I'm able to use force techniques at all. I had a lot of trouble learning them when I was younger. He also really inspired me to work on my saber forms. Even if it's only combat simulations or sparring around here, I've gotten so much stronger with the Ataru form and Sokan. Master Acacas is as skilled a duelist as Master Urvine. My saber form has improved a lot since I've begun studying under him. He's very practical and insists on live fire training. Incidentally, I've gotten quite bit of practice in deflecting blaster shots without a lightsaber. I think we spent more time doing combat drills than we did following any other regimen. My muscles feel sore just thinking about it. Master and I spent the past two weeks tracking down a Sith spy within the Republic Navy. We worked closely with Jedi Investigator Ekhoro Noctis. The three of us were able to decipher some of the messages the Navy intercepted and followed the trail of clues to a mining station near Alderaan. We never confronted the spy directly, but I was able to glean a few visions from the items she left behind. When we recovered a shattered data pad, I caught a glimpse of her smashing in anger when she found out her cover had been blown. The images were hazy, but I was able to see enough of the stars through the window of her ship that Ekhoro could narrow down the search area to a few systems. Master Acacas says that if the mission goes well, I might be able to start on my Jedi Trials. The council has the final say, but he's strangely optimistic about the results. [/i][/indent][/hider] [hider=Jedi Archive -- Investigative Report] [indent][i]Author: Hiidi Kegal, Jedi Investigator Subject: Suspect -- Helea N. Arundhati Date: 19:34, 15.11.1 BTC (7 years ago) When it rains it pours. Two days ago we received word that Jedi Knight Acacas Ry went missing. Now I have a report saying that his padawan, a "Helea Arundhati", is also missing. All this right after Helea's visions lead to three Knights into an ambush. They all died, and I heard the girl didn't take it well. Padawan Lidda tells me she cried through the night. The council is understandably tight-lipped about the incident, but I sensed some resentment around the praxeum. My cohort, Kilik, is conducting interviews around the compound. I'll include his findings when I received them. Fortunately, Helea was easier to track than her master, but the trail went cold on Juris Khel. We interviewed Khang Arundhati after arriving. I sensed she would pay her old man a visit, and my intuition was spot on. Saying he wasn't happy to see us is an understatement. I've never heard of the former Sector Chief having a temper, but I didn't need my powers to tell he was seething beneath the surface. Some people have a hot stare when they're angry, like they could melt something by looking at it. The cold, expressionless look I received tells me Khang is the kind of man who would throw you into an air lock, crack the doors, and watch you slowly suffocate on the floor, not out of malice, but just to see if you could die from it. At least, that's the image I read from his mind. His defenses are good too. I suspect he let me see his thoughts on purpose. I've never seen a mind so twisted in on itself. Nothing gets in or out, unless he wants it to. It's like a steel ball. Honestly, I'm more suspicious of Khang than I am his daughter. Still, Khang's story fits with the information Padawan Silas gave us. It's beyond the scope of this case to investigate him much further. In short, he blames us for his daughter running away, among other things. It seems our runaway padawan found out about her Sith parents, and confronted him. True to his profession, Khang didn't provide many details, but I imagine that was an unpleasant conversation. I've read Master Urvine's journals. She probably would have become an exceptional Jedi had everyone kept their mouth shut. Looks like we'll need to circle back and do a more thorough investigation at the praxeum. Someone leaked sealed information, and they will answer for it. [/i][/indent][/hider] [hider=(Encrypted) Jedi Archive -- Post-Mortem Report] [indent][i]Author: Hiidi Kegal, Jedi Investigator Subject: Post-Mortem: Helea N. Arundhati Date: 13:50, 19.4.5 ATC (1 year ago) The target has been very busy since leaving the Order. I've been exchanging reports back forth with our contacts inside Republic SIS for some time. It seems this rogue padawan has a growing list of crimes. I counted no less than thirty-eight charges of theft and double that number for trespassing in the years since she left, and that's just the ones we know about. We lost track of her four years ago. A crime boss called Flix has been running a large criminal enterprise out of Nar Shadaa. Our target was inducted into their "escort service" a few years ago. From SIS reports, it works like an escalator system. They train most as pick pockets, and the pretty ones get promoted to escort when they're old enough. When the reports stopped mentioning the target for more than a year, we suspected she had died somewhere on Nar Shadaa. At least, that's what we believed until this morning. I received a coroner's report from one of my contacts on Deysum III dated for three weeks ago. A young girl matching the target's description was found dead in the alley behind one of the local clubs. If She was beaten to death. Deysum III is a dangerous place. Murders like this are common and rarely reported. I'm not surprised this report was overlooked. That it came to us at all must be the will of the Force. A bounty hunter sponsored by Nem'ro the Hutt collected the remains, and was last seen departing for Nar Shadaa. SIS confirmed our reports. There is little chance of recovering the body now. This case will be closed and the target's status will be reclassified as [i]deceased[/i]. A redacted report has been forwarded to the Archivists. [/i][/indent][/hider] [hider=Meta Summary] NOTE: The only the members of the Steel Hearts pirate crew are currently aware of what actually happened to the padawan known as Helea Arundhati. After leaving the Jedi Order, Helea drifted from space port to space port. Both her money and her luck ran out on Nar Shadaa, leaving her stranded there. The Smuggler's Moon is harsh place, harsher for a young girl travelling alone, force powers or not. After hunting down a few rumors, she found employment as a petty thief and joined a local gang. It was better than starving or being pick up by slavers, at least. She spent the next three years stealing, smuggling, and swindling her way through the ranks of the gang itself. She had never intended to stay so long, but she became fast friends with a Zeltron girl named Dashara Horizon and stuck around for her sake. As they soon discovered, the gang of thieves she had joined, no matter how profitable, was little more than a glorified babysitting service. The gang itself was small part of a larger criminal syndicate that commonly recruited their members internally. Any of the orphans they had been raising could be potential recruits. Some stayed in. Some were sold off. But the pretty ones were inducted into the escort service the moment they were old enough (willingness optional). Helea learned well to ensure she wouldn't be sold off to one of the local bordellos. Her and the other girls were free to steal what they wanted as long as it didn't stop the clients from coming back. Her main purpose was to gather information: anything that could be use to blackmail, extort, or gain leverage over their clients. Helea made discrete use of her force powers to be successful enough they would think twice about selling her off. When a particularly high bid was offered for her purchase, she made plans to escape. For the next two years, she stayed on the move, conning enough money out of people to lie low and keep the bounty hunters at bay. She did quite well for herself too, amassing a small fortune. Things were going smoothely until she unknowingly swindled the Nem'ro the Hutt's right hand man. Once the Hutt learned about the stolen credits, her bounty increased tenfold overnight. The situation spiraled far out of her control after that. Bounty hunters pursued her relentlessly. No long after, she met Nimat'ualin. the captain of the Steel Hearts pirate crew. Helea had stowed away about the pirate vessel and got caught, earning her a interrogation by the captain. Rather than turn her in, Nima believed the stowaway would be more valuable as one of her crew. The two crafted an elaborate plan to fake Helea's death, and from then on Helea adopted the recently minted persona "Neith". With Nimat'ualins contacts and a significant portion of [i]Neith's[/i] savings, they succeeded. With a fresh corpse filched from the morgue on Deysum III serving as Neith's body double, some excellent plastic surgery, a hired slicer, and a few genetic samples, they created a ruse so believable that it fooled Nem'ro the Hutt and his bounty hunters. The Jedi found out too late to recover the body, and with the information available, all signs pointed to the conclusion that Helea Arundhati had been killed by bounty hunters. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [/quote] Low level Force user with abilities that haven't gotten any sharper over time without actual training? Would still have to live with a high bounty, maybe even Jedi Shadow target, if accepted.