[CENTER][color=F7941D][h1][b]M A T T B R O W N[/b][/h1][/color] [sub][color=F7941D]▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃[/color][/sub] [sub][b][color=F7941D]Location |[/color][/b] In-N-Out Burger [b][color=F7941D]Interacting with |[/color][/b] The Gearheads || [@Hoekage] [@CosmicComet] [@TootsiePop] [@GhostMami] [@BleedingLover] [@Plank Sinatra][/sub] [sub][color=F7941D]▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃[/color][/sub][/center] He was a liar. That’s what Matt realized as he sat on the hood of his BMW, observing his cigarette like it was a stick of incense. In the past months he had only lied more. It started in autumn with the white lies. The little things you tell people for their own good. Then there were the silences he kept. Lies for the greater good. For friendship. Then there were his lies of omissions. He never told a soul just how shit he felt the last month. He just smiled and said he didn’t feel so good and that he ate something wrong. But there was always a smile so nobody dug deeper. He didn’t want them to dig deeper. Everyone had their own stuff to work through. Though recently he graduated to full-on, blatant lies. The one he sold AJ a week ago about why he couldn’t be at the party. He told him he had to be at some factory rave last night, tying up some loose ends. All because he didn’t want to see her. Avoiding things had been his strong suit. Matt didn’t want any conflict or awkwardness. It made his life difficult. If he couldn’t solve the problem with a pill it wasn’t worth engaging. Of course, that always comes around. Even now he wasn’t sure if she was going to join them. He touched the phone in his pocket. At any point, he could call Matt and ask. That would raise suspicion though so that was out of the question. On the other hand he could just call and say he’s out. Take away the uncertainty of it all. No, he wanted to be on this trip. He needed to be on this trip. So there was only one thing to do. As his cigarette burned down he tossed it away and said his goodbyes to the wonderful LA beaches. Minutes later he was tearing out of the parking lot and headed for the In-n-Out they’d all meet at. Of course, he had Gwen on the radio. What else would a literal former student of BHHS do at the end of the year? He smiled as she mentioned the Gearhead trip. Finally, the head gossiper heard about it. Then she said something about a Misfit trip too. Now that was an odd thing. Oh well, there was nothing to worry about. The gearheads would tear off into the sunset before the misfits left LA. The very thought summoned a bright smile as he enjoyed his trip. It took him half an hour to reach the In-n-Out. He was late but that was his style. As he drove up the parking lot he downshifted a gear too low for what most would use and pushed the gas. His engine roared for a moment. Heralding his arrival before he quickly parked his car. Once he got out and while he lit a new cigarette he was quick to notice just how late he was. Almost every ride of the Gearheads was present. [color=F7941D]“This is going to be good!”[/color] He exclaimed as he approached the group though he remained standing. Then he saw everyone eating, out ordering or stealing food from another. Damn, AJ had lettuce stuck in his teeth. [color=F7941D]“I’m MIA for one party and suddenly you all start acting out?”[/color] He said with a teasing smile before he took another drag of his cig.